18 July 2015

Lifestyle | My First Yoga Class

(Image credit & source - http://glav-draws-things.tumblr.com)
I am not an exercise person...

I really am not. I used to be, I have danced, played football, swam - you name it, I've done it. I have a really fast metabolism which explains why people say 'You don't exercise? But your SO skinny'. Earlier this year I started doing the Blogilates programme at home and really enjoyed doing it for a couple of months, I gained strength, stamina, and generally felt a whole lot better about myself and then University deadlines came around. After University, I tried out the 30 Days of Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube and as much as I enjoyed it, I really wanted to go to a class to make sure that my posture was good, rather than damaging. 

It was like someone was oddly watching over me and a few weeks later a leaflet popped through my door for a local Yoga class and after a few nervous text exchanges I was booked on to my very first class. Erm, PANIC SET IN. I can't remember the last time I actually had participated in a group exercise activity and it friggin' petrified me. I nipped to Tesco to buy some last minute spanks and a big ol' bottle of water and off I was...

I arrived slightly early, purely due to nerves and had a lovely conversation with the teacher, Victoria, before the class began. When the class began to fill up I noticed that I was the youngest one there and was placed front and centre so that I could learn the poses more efficiently close up. The class started by some meditating 'Om' chanting, I didn't quite know how to take this, but I got involved anyway. (giving everything 100% and all that) Then we began stretching and warming up our muscles before going into actual yoga routines. (Is that what you call them?). I was so surprised at how flexible I still was and really challenged myself to stretch and breathe deep into them, I still had the occasional wobble and 'omg that KNACKS' thoughts.

Just before the hour and 15 minute class ended, we did a cool down where I very nearly fell asleep; Concentrating on our breathing and complete relaxation of the body and mind. I felt so many feelings, relaxation, well-being, exhilaration, excitement. Lets just say I can't wait for my next class and I'll be trying to practice at home everyday ...
Check out my July advertiser - Simple Things!

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