17 December 2014

Blogging | My Favourite Reads of 2014

Sharing the love is one of the greatest things that anyone can do. As the end of the year gets closer and closer, I thought that I would share with you some of my favourite blogs of the past year. Of course, I wish I could include every single blog that I read (you can see that here!) but that would be one hell of a long post, so I thought I'd pick some of my standout reads...

1 | Gemma from Miss Makeup Magpie. If you're looking for a blog that is an online encyclopaedia of beauty, from nails, to make-up, to skincare, this is it. Gemma writes the most in-depth and honest reviews and I've read her content ever since she began and it's been incredible to watch her grow from strength to strength. Not only is Gemma an absolute make-up dictionary but she is one hell of a lovely lady and is always there to offer a helping hand to anyone that needs it.

2 | Helen from The Lovecats Inc. In my opinion, you only have to take one quick look at Helen's blog to fall in love with it. Everything from the layout, to the imagery, to the content quality is just fabulous. Not to mention that Helen is a one heck of a mean baker (see evidence here, just wow!) and is bound to have anyone drooling over their laptop screens. If you like a bit of everything, Helen's your gal.

3 | Gianni from The G Edit Call me biased or whatever, but one of my best'uns had to have a place here. Male lifestyle & skincare bloggers are few and far between (sigh) but it's nice to see one so passionate about what they do. Gianni's crisp and clear photography compliments his insightful reviews on the latest skincare products so well. Ladies, don't be taken aback by gender, because boys can blog too!

4 | Zoe from Zoe Newlove. Ahhh Zoe, Zoe. Zoe's blog is the most recent discovery in this post but how could anyone not love her? A makeup artist with a passion for all things beauty, Zoe will captivate your mind and your heart. Her content is filled with knowledge and beautiful pictures to go along side that (photography lessons please?!). With swatches of products on her face, Zoe's blog will have you running out to buy whatever she's talking about!

5 | Amy from A Little Boat Sailing. I always look forward to Amy's new posts and there hasn't been one yet that has disappointed. A blog that is consistent in all aspects, looks bloomin' beautiful and is such a joy to read. You can tell she puts all of her effort into making it what it is. Amy is a hell of a lovely lady and I can't wait to see what she has in store next year for her and her blog, I'll be waiting in anticipation!

6 | Meg from Wonderful U. I've loved Meg and her blog from the moment I started reading, but when she wrote this beautiful post about her body confidence & getting naked on the internet I admired her a little bit more. Meg's beautiful way with words (that match her beautiful hair) have me hooked on every post. She's come such a long way and I smile every time I read her blog, or when something exciting happens for her. Gorgeous lady!

7 | Carly from Beauty Sauce. With a real knowledge of all things beauty and a love for all things fashion, Carly's space on the internet has become a regular place for me to visit. It's full to the brim of products that I'm forever adding to my wish list, and style posts full of clothes that I wish that I could wear. Carly's elegance is amazing to watch in her YouTube videos too, and once I start watching, I just can't stop!

8 | Zoe from Zoe London. When it comes to blogging, Zoe is the epitome of passion. With content that is so fresh, exciting and thought provoking, Zoe London has become probably my most favourite read of 2014. Along with beauty, fashion and lifestyle, Zoe raises some interesting issues that occur in today's society. It goes without saying that I really look up to Zoe in many ways and she's a real source of inspiration for me.

Check out my December Advertiser - Hello Freckles!

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