19 December 2014

Blog | Highlights of 2014

2014 has been somewhat of a whirlwind year in both my personal and blog life; A constant roller coaster ride with both ups and downs. We come to that time of the year that brings emotions of joy and feelings of celebration, so today I'm sharing with you my personal highlights of 2014...

Right at the beginning of this year I started my very own YouTube Channel, something that I had wanted to do for a while and I've gone from a couple of videos, to none, to regular posting, to a little bit of a break. I'll have to admit that I'm still trying to find my 'place' and reason for being on YouTube. I want to create content that's exciting and fresh yet not fall into a rutt where I don't feel too happy. Just after this, I shared with you my Secret Motivation, which whilst writing this, I realise that I need to take a leaf outta my own book and go back and read that little book...

I ran my own little confidence project under the name of #ProjectBareAll, which is probably one of my most proudest posts to date. It is all about confidence whilst not wearing make-up and how we as a society don't need beauty products to essentially feel beautiful in our skin. I was overwhelmed with the response and just how many people decided to join in (and it's not too late!) and share their photographs and stories of them baring all online. Speaking of confidence, I plucked up the courage to start travelling down to London more often to Blogger Events and the first being the Lauren Pope, In The Style Event. I whole-heartedley wish that I lived further South so I could attend exciting events more often, but for now, we'll just dream and be patient. I live for the day when I'm regularly attending events each week.

To up my blogging game, I began posting every other day instead of every third and I have enjoyed every single moment of it. Despite this, I've taken even more time to work on both my content and photography and I'm going to step it up even further in 2015. I'm quite the perfectionist so I am always trying to improve my skills. This seemed to lead to the insane moment when I crazily and amazingly won Highly Commended Established Beauty Blog at the Cosmo Blog Awards and I still to this day cannot believe that it even happened. It certainly wouldn't have happened with out you, I know I've expressed this a hell of a lot, but I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

As for myself, I feel like I'm slowly becoming happier with who I am, in regards to my inner and my outer. I've come to realise that you drift from people, and that's okay, as some relationships just aren't meant to last forever. I'm beginning to appreciate the smaller things in life and am working on some aspects of myself that I'd like to change. I need to stop over thinking each small detail and stop blaming myself for almost everything. But, hey, we're only human. Right?

Anyways, I'll save that for another post ey! Blogging has become bigger and better this year but I will always remember the reasons I started and where I began. I've made some absolute gems of friends and I can't wait to continue to build those relationships next year. But for now, I'd like to say thanks for sticking with me. I appreciate every single reader very very much. Loves. xo

Check out my December Advertiser - Hello Freckles!

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