27 May 2014

Lifestyle | Moving House - The Do's and Don'ts

If you follow me on my Twitter (@MeganJaneLillie) then you will know that recently me and my family packed up our stuff and moved into a brand spanking new house. The moving process to me, seemed to happen really quickly as we are now all settled in and loving our new pad. Maybe a room tour on my YouTube channel when it's all sorted? All though I did not help much with the moving of furniture (I'm only dainty after all) I thought that today it would be a great idea to share with you some of my 'Do's and Don'ts' when moving house and mostly concentrate on the packing side of things. Some of these points can even be adapted to other similar situations too, such as moving away for University or maybe simply cutting down on your stash!

- Begin to pack in advance - Nobody likes a mad rush the day before the move happens.
- Make sure you label boxes - If you are anything like me, you will want to find your make-up asap!
- Recycle your wardrobe as you go - You will certainly find lots of stuff to either sell or go to charity.
- Know your new space - Have an idea of where everything is going to go and how much space you have.
- Pack safely - Bubble wrap glass and any fragile items - we don't want any breakages! 


- Keep old products - You don't need that Barry M Dazzle Dust. It's old and probably outdated. Bin them.
- Pack unnecessary stuff - Those old birthday teddies don't really need to come with you!
- Forget about every nook and cranny - You never know what is under your bed or stashed in a corner!
- Delay with unpacking - Get it all done as soon as you can and you will feel so much more at home.
- Over pack boxes - You still need to be able to lift them up and down flights of stairs.

Well, there are my top tips for moving house, I think there's some really useful stuff there. The most important one to me was to throw out old and unnecessary stuff - it makes the process so much easier and you de-clutter as you go! Let me know your stories and tips of moving, whether it be house, away to University, or just in general how you de-clutter! I'd love to become more organised. Thanks for reading!

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  1. I moved house in January and it was a lot of effort. Definitely agree that you should pack in advance!
    Water Painted Dreams xo

    1. It is isn't it? I tried to as much as I could!

  2. Oh gosh, I know how you're feeling! It's been just over a year after moving into my new house and those memories are still fresh with me! Luckily we didn't move too far from my old house so we could easily go back and forth to pick up a few final things so I didn't need to pack too many big boxes.
    I hope you settle in well! <3


    1. It's a hard time isn't it? Thank you lovely! xo

  3. Great post! I always use packing as an excuse to have a clear out, it definitely helps :) xx

  4. Thank you for posting this now :') my family sprung the surprise that we're moving house in a month last time I went back to visit. I live at uni mostly but I'll be moving back in and into the new house for summer and i'm pretty wary. But I guess it's a good time for a clear out and a life sort! xo

    amber love

    1. My pleasure lovely! I'm glad it's of some help. xo

  5. The Barry M Dazzle Dust comment made me chuckle, I'm not moving but you've reminded me I need a clear out!

    Tara xo

  6. Great tips!! These definitely apply to college life. I hope all is well in your new home! :)


  7. Oh Barry M Dazzle Dust! My teenage self loved that! Xx

  8. I totally agree with these, I've moved house far too often in recent years and it is just so much more stressful if you're not organised!

    Jordan xx

    1. It really is, I'm glad I had it mostly under control! xo

  9. Thank you, I know i'll be using some of these when I move out :)

    Sensitive Epidermis | Rainbow


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