27 February 2013

A Skincare 'Stop and Swap'

If I'm honest, I really wasn't clued up at all about skincare before I started my blog. However, once you begin to read into it, you realise what a difference a few short steps can make to your skin. I'm still learning a lot about what's best in terms of looking after your skin but I've put together a little post of the three basic tips I've learnt along the way.

1) STOP using make-up remover/cleansing wipes. I understand that they're a super fast and easy way to remove make-up but your not removing the products from within your pores, your simply wiping the immediate layer off. It may appear that you've got rid of all the dirt on your face, but 9 times out of 10, you haven't. Instead, SWAP these for a cleanser. Whether it's a Simple cleanser for £4.99 or a Liz Earle's Cleanse and Polish for £14, its still a lot better for your skin. Cleansers help to break down the make-up on your face and in your pores and will wipe away all the make-up and dirt with warm water.

2) STOP using hand towels/flannels to clean your face. It sounds silly and you may not think so, but they are really rough on your skin and can help cause blemishes on the face. When your scrubbing away with your cleanser trying to remove all your make-up, if your too harsh with a flannel your skin will become irritated, causing little bumps and spots to form. Instead, SWAP a hand towel for a muslin cloth! You can buy them really cheap from your local Boots; I bought a pack of two Sanctuary Muslin Cloths for £4. Not only are these gentle on your skin but they lightly exfoliate to remove dead skin cells, a massive bonus.

3) STOP drinking fizzy drinks. Or at least don't drink too much. I don't need to go into detail with this one, we all know that too much sugar is bad for you in lots of different ways. Fizzy drinks aren't the cause of spots, but they definitely make outbreaks a little bit more severe. Instead, SWAP them for water. Now it isn't the most exciting drink in the world but it will definitely clear up your skin. It won't happen over night, so don't ask yourself why you still have blemishes the morning after you've drank 10 pints of water, but in time, you'll notice a difference.

Well those are my top 3 tips that I think are a great way to start improving your skin. I hope you liked this post, it's a little different from what I normally do! Do you think any of these steps are great? Let me know, thanks for reading!

Megan. xo


  1. great idea for a post!x


  2. Oh lordy! You told me. OKAY, I promise to change 1 & 2, I'm good when it comes to 3.

    The Style Rawr!

    1. Haha, I know I limit myself when it comes to fizzy drinks. No-one could cut them out completely! xx

  3. Great post Megan! I agree with this all. The caffeine in Coke can cause breakouts too which is why it's always better to just drink water.

    1. Thanks my lovely! I know, good job I don't like Coke hey! xx

  4. I used to use face wipes all the time but I use proper cleanser now and my face feels so much better for it although I still use the occasional face wipe after a night out! :/
    I absolutely cannot swap fizzy drinks for water though! I don't care how bad they are, coke and lucazade are my fave things ever! I'd rather have them than chocolate or cake! I just love them and water is the most boring taste ever! x


    1. That's the same with me! If I come in really late that's the only time I'll use make-up wipes. Haha, I love the occasional lemonade, but too much bloats me! xx

  5. This post is really great! Very informative!

  6. Miss Megan Lillie before I comment on your post I'd like to say a big thank you for your lovely comments on my blog *mwah*.
    Now onto the post, I agree with all of the above and actually do the above too! Because my Mum never bought fizzy drinks when I was younger I actually disliked the taste of them which turned out to be a good think for both my teeth and my skin :)

    Eda x


    1. Aw thank you Eda, your so so lovely! I love your blog so much! Yes, that is very good! xx

  7. Lovely post + pictures! Great blog you have here. I'm your newest follower :) Would you mind checking out our blog & following back via GFC and Bloglovin'? Looking forward to your next post! xx


    1. Thanks lovely! Of course I'll check you out! xx

  8. love this feature and agree with all three! x


  9. Great tips!
    I've started drinking lots of water, I still use make up wipes initially but also use cleanser toner and moisturiser ontop :)

    1. Well I suppose that's still okay for your skin! :) xx

  10. I can't cope with taking my make up off using facial wipes anymore! my face feels so much cleaner doing it properly x

    1. Me either!! I love the fresh face feeling xx

  11. I totally agree with this! I do use cleanser most of the time but I always have a cheeky pack of makeup wipes in my drawer for when I can't be bothered or after nights out when I'm a little too merry for cleansing!
    Thanks for your link on twitter! I'm now following you. Feel free to check out my blog at www.frankiessay.blogspot.com

    Frankie xxxx

    1. I only use makeup wipes after a night out if it's really late or I'm hammered! Thank you lovely xx

  12. Interesting post. I only use makeup wipes if i'm too lazy after a night out nowadays! :)

  13. Great post :)


  14. Good post

    You should also mention that when you wash your muslin cloths you're not suppose to use softner in your washing machine as it take away the roughness of the cloth and then it does not take away your dry skin anymore :)

  15. Hand towels & flannels are much better for your skin than muslim cloths actually, muslim cloths hardly sweep the make up off your face along with the dirt, flannels are much better for that! Flannels actually exfoliate your skin, muslim cloths don't! you see so many people using muslim cloths and they are fine, but its all an expensive lie basically! x

  16. A really interesting post! thanks!


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