2 August 2016

Lifestyle | Your Circle of Friends

Motel Rocks Pink Ribbon Dress
Motel Rocks Pink Ribbon Dress
Motel Rocks Pink Ribbon Dress
Daisy Street Holographic Shoes
Keeping a good circle of friends is one of the many keys to a happy, content life. It may take time, but when you get there, it’s worth it.

I have written a post on friendship before (read that here), discussing how your friends chop and change as you grow, and most of the time, it’s for the best. I have discovered that it’s not something to wallow over, but to rejoice about. I mean, creating a small circle of close friends and family that thoroughly supports you and encourages your decisions can make a huge difference. I often found that it was those closest who weren’t proud of seeing you do well and wouldn’t celebrate your achievements, but no more. I put my foot down and filtered those people out, slowly but surely. And now? I couldn’t be happier.

I think it’s good to know that people come and go and the ones that really mean something genuine stick by. That’s why I have a smile on my face today. That and finding beautiful places right on my doorstep. I have only ever ventured to Ormesby Hall once before, and that was to do the Race for Life on the grounds. But this time, cameras in tow, myself and Carli ventured around the buildings and garden – and it was stunning. We snapped away our outfits and put the world to rights over a pot of tea, as we do. 

I decided to take my latest Motel Rocks Dress for a whirl. As my brother said, ‘you look like an extra from Pearl Harbor’, I can totally get that it gives off total 40’s vibes but with a modern twist. The ribbon tie means that you can totally flaunt your waist and the slight puffball elasticated sleeves make it so cute. Obviously, I’m a huge fan of pink, so I can see myself getting a lot of wear outta this. I paired it with a v. old Primark bag, but some new snazzy Daisy Street Shoes. I clearly have a metallic/silver/holographic shoe addiction, because it is literally all I’m drawn too. Check out all my fashion posts to see what I mean!

Anyways, I’ve rambled as per! Let me know if you have noticed a difference in your friendship circle when growing up, I’d like to think it wasn’t just me! Lemme know what you think about this outfit too because I love reading your comments!

Megan. xo

- Photos by The Tea Bee -

*Some posts may contain PR/Gifted samples, please read my disclaimer here for further information*

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