7 June 2016

NE Blogger Spotlight #4 | Sarah from Plain Sarah Jayne

Sarah from Plain Sarah Jayne
After getting such a great reaction to my Meet The NE Bloggers post, I decided to spotlight some of the bloggers featured so here's number two! Everyone meet, Sarah from Plain Sarah Jayne!

1) Hello Sarah! First things first, introduce yo'self! 
Hello, I’m Sarah Jayne Adams! I’m a pint-sized, North East lass from Sunderland, who has far too many lipsticks and a secret love for Zayn Malik (who doesn’t?!) My blog is, Plain Sarah Jayne. It’s my little space on the internet where I ramble on about beauty, fashion, food and the occasional lifestyle post. When I’m not busy blogging, you’ll find me shopping, in the gym or talking all about weddings over at Belle Bridal Magazine. 

2) So how did you come about the bloggersphere? Where did Plain Sarah Jayne all begin and how long have you been blogging for?
Well, I had to set up a blog to pass a module when I was studying Magazine Journalism, and to be honest I didn’t really know alot about the bloggersphere back then. Since I was in a group we kinda just followed one another’s blogs. I loved the creativity and writing on my own platform, but sadly studying full time, working part time and completing work experience inbetween left me no time to keep it going. I left university in 2014 and a few months later I set up Plain Sarah Jayne, and I’ve been blogging for just over a year now (I’m still a baby!).

3) Did anyone in particular inspire you to create a blog? Have your inspirations changed from then to now?
When I first created a blog it was just to pass a module on my course, I honestly had no idea what a blog was, so sadly I had no inspiration back then. Since setting up my blog that’s all changed! I have a handful of blogs I read constantly because I love the content and their photography. I aspire to have a blog filled with beautiful images and content that just captures you - here’s hoping!

4) If you could showcase only one of your posts to somebody, one of which you are particularly proud of, which one would it be?
*Scrolls through 139 posts* - it definitely wouldn’t be one of my earlier ones, they make me cringe! I’m particularly proud of this one. I’m proud because I was only one of two bloggers that were selected for this review, and apparently I was chosen because my writing really stood out. I might not have gotten a million comments or views, but just for someone to recognise my writing made me feel super proud. 

5) Out of all of the wonderful things you have done, what's your best blogging highlight?
I have two blogging highlights. A few months ago my blog was shortlisted for Sunderland’s Most Stylish Blogger award at the Sun FM’s Retail and Style Awards. I didn’t win, but it was amazing to have been shortlisted, especially since my blog is only young. Another highlight was when a blogger included me on a “my favourite bloggers” post and I was so surprised, excited and honoured to have been included!

6) I see that you're always off to as many blog events as possible, do you enjoy being part of the NE Blogging Community?
I absolutely love it. I’ve meet some amazing people through the blogging community, some of which are now really close friends. I just love how we support one another and keep each other going. I feel like the group is such a positive bunch of people, and I’m rather proud to be apart of it. 

7) What's next for Plain Sarah Jayne?
Well, I have some exciting things coming up that I can’t reveal yet, but I’m hoping to be blogging a lot more. I also hope to up my blogging from three posts a week, but that all depends on work. Oh and maybe upgrade from a smartphone to a proper camera! But we’ll see what happens - fingers crossed!

Megan. xo
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