2 May 2016

Beauty | Falling in love with Charlotte

Charlotte Tilbury at Fenwicks Newcastle
Charlotte Tilbury Magic Foundation
Charlotte Tilbury Lipstick and Lipgloss
Charlotte Tilbury at Fenwicks Newcastle
Charlotte Tilbury Lip Lustre
A role model is someone that you look up to and aspire to be like, and recently, I got to meet one of my own. Last week I found myself in a room with several bloggers and Charlotte Tilbury, and there, I fell in love.

You most likely know by now that Charlotte Tilbury products often feature on this blog, it’s a brand that I have a huge place in my heart for. From my very first Charlotte Tilbury Week to my latest Mid-Term Tilbury Haul, I’m building up quite the collection. Now that the North East finally has its own counter in Fenwicks Newcastle (YAAS!), Charlotte was coming up to the Tyne to celebrate the launch and meet lots of her admirers, including myself. Sat around a table covered end-to-end in every product and surrounded by some of her absolutely stunning team of make-up artists, as the lady herself entered, the room brightened.

From the very beginning of her talk to the very end, Charlotte oozed charisma; Having a certain aura about her that I have never quite encountered before with such a creative. It was so clear that Charlotte is involved in every single stage of her product, her background knowledge and previous work in the laboratories means that she herself doesn’t let anything go out on the shelves without it being one million perfect. She has, in fact, denied products that have been years in development because they were not perfect, only releasing products of the highest quality and performance. Charlotte was witty, insightful, funny and bloody gorgeous, I felt completely honoured to be in her presence. 

Charlotte began discussing how she first got into makeup and fell in love with the power of mascara from age 11 and how it eventually, completely changed her life. When working as a makeup artist, she envisioned the everyday woman feeling empowered by their own beauty and getting that lit-from-within, red carpet look with ease and so the brand was born.

The wonder woman discussed all of her products in great detail, discussing the entire thought process and ideologies of each piece in her collection. I particularly fell in love with all the skincare products purely from her speaking about them. We got to try some of them out on the back of our hands and the difference was absolutely incredible. The Clay Mask. The Magic Cream. Supermodel Body. I. Need. Them. All. I’m already quite clued up on her makeup line, but Charlotte discussed things that I’d never quite noticed before. How she was told the packaging of the famous Filmstar Bronze & Glow was impossible, but she did it anyway. How the powders that she sells are of the finest milled quality possible, of which you can tell with the slightest touch. & how she is coming out with a new line of 12 lipsticks named ‘Hot Lips’, all of which pay homage to some of her favourite women, such as Kim Kardashian, Helena Bonham Carter and Cindy Crawford to name a few. £1 of each lipstick goes to the ‘Women for Women’ foundation, helping women worldwide in the rehabilitation of some of the tragedies that happen in today’s society still. Is there anything this woman isn’t capable of?

All in all, I had the greatest afternoon. Charlotte was so busy that day that there was no time to squeeze in a selfie, but just being in the presence of her was more than enough. Make sure you pop into the new counter at Fenwicks if you’re in the North East and keep an eye out for what was inside my goody bag… Are you a fan of Charlotte Tilbury? 

Megan. xo
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*Some posts may contain PR/Gifted samples, please read my disclaimer here for further information*

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