20 February 2016

Lifestyle | Let's Talk... About Surviving University

Let's Talk About Surviving University
As I come to my final last few months of a long road at University. I thought I would share with you my thoughts on the best tips on how to survive University and still feel sane…

Organise | If you think yourself a pretty poor organiser then University is time to change that. Being organised is key to keeping on top of all of your modules and making sure that deadlines are met. Grab yourself a To-Do list and make a list of weekly activities for you to complete. Know your timetable inside out. Start your assignments early if you can, this will ease off a major shed load of stress that may bulk if you leave it too late.

Get Involved | Participation is crucial, ensure that your lecturers know who you are and your ability – it may prove helpful when needing assistance with your work. Putting your hands up in seminar sessions, answering and asking questions shows that you are trying and are curious. Building relationships with academics allows them to be more approachable if times get hard. I feel as if I could go to some of my lecturers with any issues that I may have, both academically and personally.

Break It Down | This one is in regards to your assignments and your dissertation. By breaking your word count down into manageable sections you can take each piece of work one easy step at a time. Giving yourself weekly goals can help you feel a lot less stressed and this has proven to work very well with myself. If you begin assignments as early as you can, 500 words a week on one assignment can make your work seem like a breeze.

Relax | Giving yourself time to chill out and relax (and have fun!) is equally as important as working hard. Get your butt to the library at 9am, have a day of your head in books & typing away and then leave at 4/5pm and relaaaaaax. Run yourself a bath. Grab your pj’s. Make yourself a hot chocolate and put on Mean Girls – you deserve it!

Megan. xo
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