25 August 2015

Lifestyle | The Edinburgh Napier Experience - Day 1

You may have seen me hashtagging #EdNapierExp across my social media channels last week & be curious to what it was all about. Along with four other bloggers, I was invited to three days in Edinburgh to experience the Napier University & the city!

After a 5am wake-up call, a shaky, half-asleep eyeliner application and yawning whilst brushing my teeth, it was soon 7am and we were off in an executive mini bus for a three hour journey to Edinburgh city. Now I have only been to Edinburgh once, I was around 10 years old and I visited the Zoo, so I was excited to see what the next three days had in store. We arrived at the Bainfield Accommodation to be greeted by Rachel & our photographer for the trip, Alan. Heading up to the top floor, our apartment was huge with several rooms, one for each of us as well as a open plan kitchen and living area. Our bedrooms were spacious, with a 3/4 bed, wardrobe space, desk and en-suite - fabulous!

After unpacking our stuff and some Irn-Bru (it wouldn't be Scotland without it!), we headed off to the Merchiston Campus which is home to the schools of both Engineering and Arts & Creative. We first had a tour of the Music area, showcasing the three different strands that you can do a degree in; Classical, Popular Music and Music Production. There were plenty of rehearsal rooms that are open 24 hours to students and recording studios with the most up-to-date technology. We were then off to Engineering where we were show the fascinating pieces of equipment that they hold, especially their 3D Printers - amazing to watch first hand! After a spot of lunch we headed up to the Media suites were we played around with the Green Screen and created a short introduction video of our experience.

We were getting a little bit peckish so after a bit of a refreshment back in the accommodation, Dominoes was delivered to the door for us to gouge out on. Cookies included! On the cards for us tonight was a Comedy Show at the Fringe Festival which is a huuuuuge comedy festival that takes places in Edinburgh for a month every year. The whole town was buzzing and it was great to see that it brings so much life to the area (not that it needs it!). We were lucky enough to see Joe Lycett who has had regular appearances on 8 Out of 10 Cats and he was brilliant - just the type of humour I like! I would definitely love to visit Edinburgh next year and squeeze as many shows in as I possibly could! Afterwards we headed off into town where the atmosphere was electric and we found ourselves in the cutest little pop up beer garden all lit with twinkly lights - a magical end to the night!

Make sure you come back to catch the next instalment of this little series of my trip to Edinburgh! Have you been to Edinburgh Fringe or would like to go someday? Is Edinburgh somewhere that's on your travel-to list?

Check out my August advertiser - Jordan Alice! 

*This trip was paid for by Edinburgh Napier University. All opinions are completely honest & are my own.

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