13 May 2015

Fashion | Embracing My Style

Fear not. I'm not about to go all Gok Wan on yo ass. I just wanted to write a couple of my thoughts down regarding style, how things aren't made to suit everyone & how I've learnt to embrace my own, personal style.

I want to start off this post by saying that you can wear whatever you want - nobody has, or ever will have, the power and right to tell you how to dress. This is simply me expressing how I feel about my own personal style and how I've battled with my 'image', so to speak, for the past few months. My style has been a total evolution. From starting off as a young teen I was quite the tomboy, parading around in my Middlesbrough Football tracksuit. A couple of years passed and my teen angst years came about where I dressed in everything black and skull related and had a fringe that you couldn't see my eyes through... 

I suppose after that my style then evolved to what it is now. Over the past few years I've fell for all things floral related with the odd vintage treasure thrown in there and I have felt really comfortable with what I've worn. Up until I would say, the last 6-10 months. I'm 22 this year and although I know that's not old, I constantly feel like people see my fashion sense as childish. Maybe that's just me? I am forever searching on Pinterest, and seeing girls in the street (and blogs!) looking flawless in their pants and heels combos and long trench style coats. The style seems effortless, grown up and something that I have been envying for a while. So off I went, trying stuff on in Topshop and ordering from Missguided to get this 'chic street style' image and, did it work?

Did it heck. I have never felt so out of my comfort zone. It made me realise that even though I love looking at the style, it doesn't mean it's necessarily going to suit me also. Perhaps people may feel like my style is a little bit on the younger side, but do you know what? I love it and from now on I am totally, 100% going to own it. I feel as if I had to go through this doubt of self-image to realise that I am comfortable with what I wear, and this kind of style really does suit me! As I'm getting older I'm slowly beginning to care less about what people think about me and also to surround yourself with positive people (but that's a story for a different day).

I'd love to know in the comments how you would describe your personal style and if you have ever had any style blocks and image issues like I have. Have you every tried something that was completely out of your comfort zone and realised it's just not for you? Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this post.
Check out my May advertiser - The Beauty Baker

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