5 January 2015

Skincare | Trialling Face B4

Although I don't think my skin is majorly 'problematic', I certainly get my problem occurrences. I don't seem to get any huge breakouts, but I will occasionally get the odd spot here and there - mostly down to hormones and stress. I was sent the Face B4 Cleansing Foam* and Cleansing Serum* to trial over a period and keep a sort of 'diary' whilst using it every day to see what it could do for me. Here's how I got on and yes, it's a little bit TMI in some places but I gotta be honest...

After One Week | 'After using the Face B4 products for a week now I can definitely see a slight difference in my skin beginning to emerge. I didn't think I would like the foaminess of the face wash but I've grown to like it. It only stings slightly on open blemishes - which have made me not want to pop any spots! I've had three new blemishes arise down to hormones and stress but I've noticed an immediate reduction rather than a couple of days that I normally see with them - the Face B4 must be doing something good! The redness has disappeared from my forehead too, brilliant!'

After Two Weeks | 'After two weeks of using the Face B4 products I'm definitely beginning to see a difference in my skin. This week the spots that I had reduced dramatically over a few days and I've only had one new, very small, spot appear. However, a small patch of dry, red skin has occurred on my cheek which is random and unusual for my skin. I'm really pleasantly surprised at how very little spots I've had this week as this week for me (the week before my 'lady week') as it's usually a time of the month where I get the most. But yes, wow! What a difference I'm seeing!'

After Three Weeks | 'So it's been three weeks of me using the Face B4 products and all I am speechless. I've had no new spots this week and the scars are slowly disappearing. The rash that was on my cheek disappeared within a few days after using some ointment but overall my skin has been 90% clear! Although I'm not too fussed about not wearing makeup anyway, this week I had TWO make-up free days whilst being in public, one in the Westfield in Stratford, London and the other to University. These are two things I would never thought I would do!'

As you can tell the Face B4 products really did make a difference to my skin over the period that I used them for. I was so surprised at how much I enjoyed using the products. If you have spot-prone skin I highly recommend checking the range out as the antibacterial properties. It's a three-step routine in two products, as the foam is both a cleanser and a toner. The products work well together to combat pesky blemishes and aids in reducing them in a speedy time indeed!

What products do you reach for when you have a skin breakout? I'm also on the lookout for new ones that can make them disappear as quick as they appear! Make sure you let me know in the comments below, thanks for reading!

Check out my January Advertiser - Eliza Hardiman!

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