30 December 2014

Advertising | Meet My December '14 Advertisers!

Hi, I’m Tasha from Hello Freckles. I’m from the North East of England, near Durham, so quite a lot of my lifestyle content features places nearby. I love travelling and try to document where I’ve been on my blog too, I’m hoping I’ll have a couple more city breaks in 2015, I know my list of places to visit is growing really quickly! I’m a big pug lover with a penchant for neutral eyeshadow palettes, though I really don’t need any more! Just a couple months ago I won Best Lifestyle Blog in the North East Blogger Awards 2014 and it’s really boosted my confidence and motivation to push Hello Freckles to be the best it can! I blog four times a week and cover a range of fashion, beauty and lifestyle so there’s something for everyone. I’m getting really close to a big milestone and I’d love to reach it by the end of 2014! In the new year I’m considering getting back into YouTube and vlogging, so look out for that, I'd love to know what content you like to watch! Let me know if you pop over to Hello Freckles and hopefully you like what you see!
Bloglovin. Twitter. Instagram. YouTube. Pinterest.

Hi! My name is Sophie and I’m behind my blog Fashion Novel. Twice a week I post different things relating to fashion, beauty, lifestyle, DIY and any other things that a teenage girls like me would get up to. I started my blog in May as a little hobby or maybe a cure for boredom. I hope you enjoy reading some of my blog posts and sometime in the future I might be starting to make some YouTube Video’s!
Blog. Instagram. Twitter. Facebook.
Hi there! I hope you've had a great Christmas. My name is Eliza and I am a 17 year old beauty product hoarder with a serious packaging addiction. During the day I work for a luxury car brand and by night I like to publicly share everything beauty related. In 2015 I will be adding fashion and lifestyle sections to my blog and would love for you to be part of the journey with me. Feel free to check out my blog and have a nose around on all my social media to see what else I get up too. I hope 2015 brings you everything you hope for. Lots of love and all the best. xox
Bloglovin. Instagram. Twitter. Facebook.

So they have been my fabulous advertisers for the month of December! Advertising on Thumbelina Lillie is ongoing in 2015 and if you'd like to advertise with me in future months you can check out all prices and statistics here.


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