16 August 2014

OOTD | Purple Gingham Urban Outfitters Dress

Can you believe that on my latest quick trip to London, I only bought two things?! The other was an EOS balm, but I think that this dress is a lot more exciting than that, don't you? Urban Outfitters is a store that I absolutely adore but sometimes, I just have to wince at that price tag.  I wish I had an abundance of pennies to spend in there because not only are their clothes amazing, but I think that their home ware is spot on too! When mooching through Shoreditch with my Uncle, I stepped into their store to have a gander around, as you do.

I first of all fell in love with this amazing white leather backpack but just beyond that I spied a full wall of these pretty gingham dresses and the rest is history. Unfortunately this colour isn't available online (boo!) but you can buy it in green which is just as pretty, and it's in the sale! My lip colour was actually a mistake, as odd as that sounds. I applied the Revlon Matte Balm in Striking and thought it was a bit too bold so added Elusive on top to subtle it down a bit to create a pretty muted coral shade. I've kinda fell in love with the combination of the two so have been wearing it a lot more, I may have to try mixing more shades to see what I can come up with!

Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are on this outfit and whether you like it or not! I'd love to know what patterns you love over the summer, I may have or may not have bought another little gingham number after I'd purchased this! Thanks for reading.

Check out my July Advertiser - Ashka

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