1 April 2013

Review: Tropic Skincare's 'Smoothing Cleanser'

Tropic Skincare Smoothing Cleanser

Tropic Skincare Smoothing Cleanser

So a couple of weeks ago, Tropic Skincare sent me this little gem. Tropic are a skincare company that use natural ingredients and plant extracts in their products which aim to 'make a positive difference to the health, vitality and appearance of your skin'. I'm a massive fan of companies who use 100% natural ingredients as I feel as though I'm not putting anything particularly 'bad' onto my skin, therefore *fingers crossed* no pesky breakouts. This came at the perfect time as I'd just ran out of the current product I was using, so here's what I thought about their Smoothing Cleanser...

I'm very cautious when it comes to adding new products into my skin care routine; I always feel that my skins becomes comfortable with a certain combination of products and if I change that, I'm scared of the possible negative effect it may have on my skin. This specific product is said to 'gently clean and buff to reveal soft, hydrated & radiantly smooth skin'. I'm very pleased to say that it does just that! Within the box, you receive 120ml of cleanser in a pump bottle (instant bonus!) and an Organic Bamboo Face Cloth to wipe away the product once it's done it's magic... Even though I'm beginning to see a slow improvement in the overall condition of my skin due to a mix of products I'm using, I can definitely see the amazing differences this alone is making. 

Upon first wash, I immediately was drawn to the pleasant scent; Hints of Avocado and Green Tea - Mmm! You begin with applying 2-4 pumps of the cream onto your dry skin, however, I feel that 2 is more than enough. This begins to break down and dissolve any make-up your wearing and then you rinse it all away with warm water. I was super impressed as I could see straight away that the cleanser had removed all my makeup and had even dissolved my mascara - something my previous cleanser couldn't do! You then reapply another pump onto your wet skin to cleanse and hold the warm cloth over your face to open your pores. Using the cloth in circular motions to exfoliate, you then gently remove the rest of the cleanser, splash a bit of cold water on your face to close your pores and job done! After the first couple of washes (even though I had breakouts for other reasons) I could notice a complete difference in my skin. It's become much softer and and definitely a lot smoother - I think this along with another product has definitely helped reduce the small bumps under my skin. I've loved using one application on a morning to really wake me up and get my skin 'ready for the day' and two applications (like above) on a night to remove make-up and generally cleanse the skin. I could not be happier with this product and I'm so grateful of the wonders it's beginning to work! I can honestly say that I'm starting to feel completely comfortable leaving the house with zero make-up on after using this, it leaves me so fresh faced.

What are your favourite cleansers to use? Would you think of purchasing this one? Let me know, thanks for reading!

Megan. xo
*Some posts may contain PR/Gifted samples, please read my disclaimer here for further information*


  1. I'm searching for a face wash/cleansing product to use and this sounds like something i might have to try! x

    1. It's worth it, 100% natural goodness! xx

  2. at the moment im using a nivea one... but i think it's breaking me out! i've heard good things about the clarins skincare range! this one sounds amazing - anything that could get me to leave the house with no makeup feeling comfortable would have to be a miracle worker!!! :)

    1. Ohh dear really?! Me too, I'v never had the chance to try Clarins, I wouldn't know where to start. Don't be silly, I bet you look gorgeous with no make-up! xx

  3. It's amazing this product, it's definitely my go to cleanser
    - jennabarbara.blogspot.com xxx

  4. This sounds great! Any cleanser that removes mascara is good news for me and some can be so rubbish x


    1. Same, I hate when they sting too, this one doesn't! xx

  5. This sounds like such a great cleanser :)



  6. this sounds really lovely!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc // youtube

    ps. enter my new giveaway to win the ice neon or fruit pastel collection by models own! click here.

  7. This sounds really good will need to be trying it!



  8. Great review, sounds like a lovely product :) x

  9. oooh sounds lovely, much prefer natural products too - and feel a bit more guilt free about not destroying the environment!ace review (: xoxoxoxo


  10. I'll have to show this to my sister, she's been looking for natural cleanser..sounds great

  11. I love tropic products :) I use their face smooth and would really recommend it. May well give this a go too when i get through my skin care stash xx

  12. Thank you so much for the tips. I am now actually relieved to know that I have been already following these tips for my skin prior to reading this article. Thank you and keep writing such profitable blog posts.
    skin care

  13. Mind if I ask what the "one other product" you referred to is? I have pesky bumps under skin on my chin that I can' together rid of!

  14. Hi Megan, what a wonderful review of Tropic Skin Care :-) At Tropic, we believe that skin is our best asset and deserves only the best treatment and care! For this reason, our skin care range contains only 100% natural, purely plant derived ingredients and is packed to bursting with active plant proteins, vitamins & antioxidants.

    Tropic's miracle working products will leave your skin fresh, flawless and naturally glowing!

    Whether you'd like to share something, seek advice or just spread the Tropic love, I'd love to hear from you.

    Please feel free to message me at: CarolineRob58@aol.com or alternatively visit my website at: www.tropicskincare.co.uk/shop/carolinerobertson

  15. For a simpler method of visiting my Ambassador website, just click on my name and it will direct you straight to my personal website - wow ............ the wonders of technology!! :-) xx


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