2 February 2013

Get to know me | 15 Facts

Four months have passed since I started this blog and it's about time you guys got to know some things about me, don't you think?! Here are 15 quick and snappy facts about little Megan Jane Lillie...

1. I'm really small; I'm around 5 foot and always got mocked for my height in school. That's why I wear super high heels.

2. I have a 18 month black Pug called Oscar Neville, and a 4 month Boston Terrier called Dudley Edgar.

3. I've been with my other half for 4 and a half years and I've recently nicknamed him 'poop'.

4. I'm a huge Star Wars and Lord of the Rings fan.

5. I'm going to University in September to study Marketing & Advertising after taking a gap year.

6. I did a weeks work experience at 'Talkback Thames' in London, who produce the likes of X Factor & Britain's Got Talent.

7. I met Harry Styles at Leeds Festival in 2011 and he gave me a potato. It was love at first sight.

8. I have a massive anxiety about candles after seeing a Fire Safety video in college, I get uneasy when they're on & no-ones in the room.

9. I went to Ecuador in 2012 for a month as part of a World Challenge Expedition, travelling the country & doing community work.

10. My little brother couldn't say Megan when he was a baby & called me 'Nennie', my family still call me it, it's just stuck.

11. I do social networking for the brand Laska Sak, check out their Facebook page here, make sure you like it!

12. I'm a huge hoarder. I just can't bring myself to get rid of things as I think they might come to use in the future sometime.

13. When I was about 15 I got hit with a 9 foot branch & had to have plastic surgery on my forehead & my muscle stitched. Ew.

14. My favourite place to go for food is Nando's. It's so common I know, but I can't resist their 'creamy mash'.

15. Even though I'm 19 and as cheesy as it is, I love boy bands. Give me McFly & One Direction over Rihanna any day.

That's pretty much me in a nutshell! I hope you enjoyed this post! If you've done a post like this yourself, make sure you leave it in the comment below. We're down to the last 3 days for my MAC Lipstick giveaway here, make sure you get your entry in! Do we have anything in common? Let me know, thanks for reading!

Megan. xo


  1. haha, this is so cute and how did you get hit by a branch? did it fall on you or something? xx


    1. We were at the park in Summer & my friend was swinging it around and let go & bang! It's funny now I look back but it certainly wasn't at the time ha! xx

    2. I nominated you in the liebter award btw:) Love your blog!!

  2. I'm short too and get mocked so much! And yyesss boybands!! No one understands my love for 1D or Mcfly apart from my 14 year old sister... oh. Loved this post :) x

    1. I think I will love them for ever ha! Thanks lovely x

  3. I always get mocked for my height as well, living life the short arse way ha!


  4. Girl I'm 29 and love one direction lol!
    I'm tiny too 4ft11 and my feet have been killed with high heel abuse ;)


  5. Lovely post! I cannot believe you got hit by a 9 foot branch! Glad your ok now x


    1. It was so close to my eye! Thanks lovely xx

  6. Awwww what a cutie! Total 90s hair right there haha. I'm really small too, isn't it annoying finding clothes to fit? I'm afraid of fire and candles too. I'm 26 and have never lit a match or lighter in my life lol.

    1. I know, Spice Girl-esque! YES! Everything's just too long ha! xx

  7. Awwh you look so cute haha! I hate getting rid of things too, especially clothes! I always think I might wear them one day and I never do :( Cute post!

    emilie :) xx


    1. Haha thank you! I'm terrible, I go to sell 10 things on eBay then only sell 3... xx

  8. Awwww still can't believe you have a pug!! And I love Lord of The Rings. Never seen star wars but I think my boyfriend's going to make me watch it soon. :P

  9. Just discovered your blog and I love it, your so pretty! We have so much in common, Im tiny too about 5"1, Im 19, Iv took a Gap year too. My favourite film along with The Lion King (sad I know) is the original star wars films! I fink Luke skywalker and Han so hot omg. And iv always had a girl crush on Princess Leia and Padme played by natalie portman. Lol im such a geek. Anyway you have a new follower :) Iv just started a new beauty blog as of 2 weeks ago. Check it out! xxx


    1. Thank you lovely! Aww that's so cool, I love finding things I have in common with other bloggers! Thanks I'll check you out xxx

  10. Aw I love these 'get to know me' posts, so lovely to put a personality to the blog posts! I'm exactly the same when it comes to candles!xx

  11. I really like these posts, so jealous of you going to Ecuador! I dream of visiting the Galapagos.

    The Style Rawr!

  12. Mmmmmm Nandos Creamy Mash... you have made me hungry just by reading that!

    http://hannahrebekahcampbell.blogspot.com xxx

  13. I'm obsessed with Lord of the Rings! x

  14. loved reading this post...I love lord of the rings, on the short side and a massive hoarder too!


    1. Thanks Jeeda! We have lots in common then woo! xx


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