20 January 2013

Review: Lush's 'Tea Tree Water'

LUSH Tea Tree Toner Water

Hello chick peas! As I never really had any sort of interest in skincare before blogging, I've been experimenting with different products. Getting a recommendation from someone is easy, but finding something by your self that is actually good & suits your skin is a difficult task! I really love the fact that Lush use fresh and organic fruit & vegetables as well as 'safe synthetics', as described on their website. It definitely makes me feel a lot better knowing that I'm using natural and non-damaging products on my skin!

First of all, I'm a sucker for anything tea tree. As I, like anyone else, hate getting spots, tea tree has some sort of clarifying magic that makes my skin look a hell of a lot clearer! A good toner is designed to cleanse your skin, shrink the appearance of pores and most importantly, to replenish your skin back to it's natural pH level. It also removes any excess dirt/makeup that your cleanser may have missed! A bonus about this product is that not only does it seem to be doing all of the above, but it makes me feel refreshed in myself due to seeing a change almost straight away. My skin always looks and feels healthier after applying this. I decided on this toner as it's described to 'Come to the aid of skin that has emergencies', and at this moment in time, this is me! After cleansing, I simply spray the product twice onto a cotton pad a whisk it around my face. It has a very medicinal scent, reminding me of a cough medicine I used when I was little and I surprisingly love it. This product is a 'Toner Water'; It hasn't got a high concentration of the ingredients, it's just got the perfect amount to put the essential oils back into the skin without 'overdoing' it, so to speak. I have sensitive skin and this doesn't irritate it at all, yet another reason why I love it! The product is described to work best for 'oily & spot prone' skin but I beg to differ... I have dry skin and it still works wonders! In my opinion, this is suitable for all skin types! I've yet to find any fault with this product, but as I haven't experimented with other toners, you never know, this may be missing something! Overall rating - 8/10

Just a little personal update - I have my first driving lesson on Thursday, how exciting! I'm super nervous as I don't know anything about cars! Also I got accepted into my local University, after taking a year out after college, to study Marketing & Advertising. I'm so pleased! Finally, the brand I work for, Laska Sak, had their first 'Jam Session' on Friday night, featuring local talent and the lovely Jake Quickenden from the X Factor, here's a picture of us together!

Jake Quickenden

Isn't he gorgeous!? Also, you've still got 16 days to enter my MAC lipstick giveaway HERE! Do you use toner in your skin regime? Which ones would you reccomend? Let me know, thanks for reading!

Megan. xo


  1. Great post. I've really started to get into Lush products recently and like you I love that they use all natural ingredients x


    1. Me too, I've never really tried their stuff until now but I love it so far! xx

  2. omg he looks like a male model or something - definitely jealous you met him, you look so pretty! :)
    i just bought my first toner the other day - its from the simple range so it was cheap enough, but it doesnt seem to be doing anything spectacular! my skin just feels regular-old-clean after i use it!

    1. Tell me about it El, my jaw just dropped! Thanks gorgeous! I think I'm going to have to invest in a couple before I find my perfect toner! xxx

  3. I admittedly never use toner, but I don't think I have to since my cleanser is pH balanacing. Good luck on your driving test and congrats on being accepted to university :)

    1. Oh well that's good, at least your getting your balance! Thanks lovely, it's just my first lesson though not my test :) xx

  4. I love all things tea tree too, I really like the smell as well as the effect it has! Congrats on being accepted to University, I remember going through that ast year! Good Luck on your driving test too :)


    1. Me too! Thank you so much, it's just my first lesson but thank you hah! x

  5. I've heard great things about this, I have too many toners I need to use up first!

  6. I must remember to give this a go, I get the occasional breakout but I have really sensitive skin. It might be an idea to use something natural like this.

    P.S You two actually look really good together - haha! ;)

    The Style Rawr!

    1. I have sensitive skin too & this is fine :) Oh don't make me blush ha! Xx

  7. I started using this a few months ago!! It's on of the best toners I've used, it's so light and refreshing but makes a huge difference! love your blog xx


  8. I've nominated you for the Liebster Award :) all the rules and questions are on my blog. Good luck! xxxx


  9. Hey lovely I've nominated you for the Liebster Award too! Check it out, all the questions and rules are on my blog www.lovefromchar.blogspot.co.uk xx

  10. Sounds like a great product, especially since I have dry skin too. Might try this out next.

  11. I've been considering getting this for ages, sounds great:)


  12. I have the tea tree water and i absolutely love it!

    XOXO Sade

    1. I'm glad someone shares the same love for it! xx

  13. Thanks for sharing this, Im going to purchase it ASAP!!!

    Beki x


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