20 February 2017

Skincare | The Merumaya Duo for Difficult Skin

Merumaya Retinol and Spot Treatments
Merumaya Retinol and Spot Treatments
Merumaya Retinol and Spot Treatments
Due to my stress levels being an all time high, my skin has seen the worst of it. I've developed a lovely little group of friends on my chin.

I should really name them all. Good ol' classic names like Eugene and Marty. When times are like this, I reach for water constantly and see if I can switch up my skincare to find something a little bit more spot-friendly and spot-reducing. I'd really much rather prefer to snag myself a bag of Crunchie Rocks (srsly heaven) but no; I need to sort this face out, big style.

A little delivery from Merumaya at the beginning of the year couldn't have popped onto my doorstep at a better time. It's like the skincare gods were looking over me and when looking for products to sort my skin out, these two just screamed 'YOU NEED US!'.

I remember seeing the word 'retinol' when I first got into skincare and it made me super curious. What is this retinol you speak of?!

Retinol is essentially an anti-aging ingredient that helps to increase levels of cell renewal - so hopefully I'll be able to go back to my 12 year old super clear skin, yeah? I freakin' wish! I feel like I've got more spots now than I have in five years - SOB. (Promise it's not all those Crunchie Rocks).

I've been reaching for the Merumaya Retinol Resurfacing Treatment (£33.50) every third night recently to try and rescue my skin woes. Combining Vitamin A with natural ingredients makes the perfect balance of product. It's effective enough to regenerate those cells quickly but the natural elements balance out the retinol so that it doesn't harm your skin and cause any irritation.

I definitely notice a difference the morning after I use this. The harsh redness of spots is reduced and any scarring (THAT I ALWAYS SEEM TO HAVE) has visibly lessened. I wish I could use this every night as I'd look like a new person within a week but it's not advised to over-do retinol. Cry.

The product definitely doesn't sting or bring any excess redness to the skin, which I thought it might due to it's strength. However, it is super gentle, which is real coming from someone with sensitive skin!

On the nights where I haven't been using the retinol, I've been applying the tiniest amount of their Concentrated Spot Treatment (£14.50) directly onto my blemishes. It's a product that can be used to help to reduce spots quicker than usual - something we alllllll can feel like we need from time to time.

This little tube of goodness has three active ingredients to combat the 'four symptoms' of spots; These being blockages, excess sebum, bacteria and inflammation. Because nothing yells HERE I AM like a big, red splodge on your face. Again, it's not something that stings upon application, it just soothes and helps to repair the skin.

What a freakin' dream team.

Merumaya, I'm impressed. With it being my first two 'proper' trials of their products I've come away feeling super satisfied with the results. Have you tried any products from Merumaya?

Megan. xo

*Some posts may contain PR/Gifted samples, please read my disclaimer here for further information*

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