7 September 2016

Lifestyle | 5 Ways To Detox Your Life

Dragonfly Tea
Sometimes we need to take a step back, re-evaluate and have a little bit of a detox. So here's 5 ways you can do it, super simple...

001 | Cut the caffeine. I mean not completely, because sometimes I get that you need that coffee fix. But swap your regular tea for green tea (much like Dragonfly Tea!) to detox your body a little bit and chill that buzzing brain. Don't be fooled by all those IG adverts for tea-toxes etc, all they do is make you poop, get some real good green tea inside you.

002 | Have a social media break. I'm not talking putting your phone in the drawer for a week. But one evening a week, leave it by your bed and have a relaxing evening without straining your eyes on Instagram every five minutes. We can become so attached to our mobiles it's actually scary. Oh, and when in company leave it alone as much as you can!

003 | Pamper yourself. Get your butt to Boots, pick up your favourite face mask from the shelves, tie your hair up and slap that mask on. Whack your favourite film on, or a tear-jerker (we all need a cry sometimes) and chill the fudge out. Why not paint your nails? Or your toenails? Use a good ol' hair mask accompanied by your favourite biscuits. Why not? You deserve it.

004 | Book a massage. Ugh, YES. Book that bloody massage. Oh, you don't want to pay £35 for an hour full body massage? Lemme tell you, they are so worth it! I wrote a post a while back now on 5 Reasons to Book a Massage and all of them very much still stand. That hour of relaxation (and sometimes a little bit of pain) will make you sigh with relief.

005 | Practice yoga. Now, I need to practice what I preach here and get back to my yoga-ing on an evening. I went through a stage where I was totally in love with yoga and now I've just been swept off my feet with a busy schedule. But yoga made me feel completely at peace and gave me half an hour a day where I didn't have to think about anything else. Give 30 Days of Yoga a try if you are new!

Megan. xo

*Some posts may contain PR/Gifted samples, please read my disclaimer here for further information*

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