28 September 2016

Food | An Evening @ The Curing House, Middlesbrough

The Curing House, Middlesbrough
The Curing House, Middlesbrough
The Curing House, Middlesbrough
The Curing House, Middlesbrough
The Curing House, Middlesbrough
The Curing House, Middlesbrough
The Curing House, Middlesbrough
The Curing House, Middlesbrough
The Curing House, Middlesbrough
Oh hot damn, do I love to blog about and photograph food. Especially when it looks as good as The Curing House does...

You may remember The Curing House from when I visited for brunch earlier this year, ever since, I've been wanting to visit for an evening meal. You can imagine how thrilled I was when Declan popped into my inbox inviting me to a blogger's speciality evening full of delicious food! Myself and Carli arrived early so that we could snap up the venue as per. The vibe in the restaraunt is very relaxed, sophisticated and cool with a sort of mid-century modern/70's decor to it. There are numerous patterns covering the walls, ceilings and seats complimented by the odd copper touch.

Five bloggers gathered round a table unknown to ALL the food they were about to devour! I kept my lunch light so that I could enjoy everything that met my fork, and boy did I! We were first greeted with one of their specialities, a charcuterie board complimented with their own-baked sourdough bread and olives. We sampled cured meats from all around the globe, from specialised salami to chorizo to pork, all with their own unique flavours and backstories. I'm such a huge sucker for chorizo, so that one was my favourite of the lot, despite them all tasting wonderful. We were ever so kindly allowed to choose a main each, so being with my partner-in-crime Carli, we chose two that we both would like so we could halfy-half and get the most out of it!

We opted for the beef skirt steak which came with the world's most delicious oxtail and chorizo suet pudding - I literally could have ate about ten portions of it! Although the portions are on the smaller side, the dishes are certainly made up for in taste and quality, and they most certainly are filling. For our other dish, we chose the duck breast complimented with fondant potato and crispy leg rillette, which was also delicious. Who knew I'd like posh food?! The meats were cooked to perfection and super tasty, I'd be interested in trying the pork belly if they have it on the specials board next time I visit as it's regularly changed to mix things up!

Before dessert, we were given a super generous cheese board. Now unfortunately, cheese lovers, I can't comment on this as cheese board's aren't really my thing! I know, I know, I can hear you all gasping in horror from my keyboard! Just know this, there were lots of different cheeses, with lots of different flavours from all over the place! At this point, I was legit stuffed to the max, so when the dessert menus came around, I didn't even take advantage - I know - more shock! But the ladies who did go for dessert were super lucky as it looked amazing, from a cherry chocolate ganache to a lemon tart to a sticky figgy pudding, they all certainly did look delicious!

All in all, a brilliant night with brilliant company. Huge thanks to the team at The Curing House for making it such a lovely evening and spoiling us big style. If you're ever in the area, or fancy some great food in the heart of the North East, check out this beauty of a place. 

Megan. xo

*Some posts may contain PR/Gifted samples, please read my disclaimer here for further information*

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