9 July 2016

Lifestyle | Life Lately #6 - I got a 1st!

Pinky Vodka, Aliza Licht's Leave Your Mark, Cailyn Liquid Lipstick and Soap and Glory Plumper
I woke up with knots in my stomach. I have three alarms. THREE. Because these days it takes me about forty minutes to wake myself up and come around.

I can’t even bring myself to do the OPEN YOUR EYES AS WIDE AS YOU CAN TO LET ALL THE LIGHT IN trick. I just prefer snoozing nowadays.

This gal ain’t no spring onion anymore … Megan, the phrase is definitely spring chicken.

At half 6 I was ready to go. I logged onto my E-Vision account hoping to see the results news and nothing, nada. WHY?

I hate waiting. I am a very impatient person. I get mega pissed off when waiting for my brother to put his shoes on when we’re talking the dogs for a walk, even though it’s a matter of seconds. I just like to live life fast-paced yano…

I need to have urgency. I need to have structure. Like, wham, bam, thank you mam, and on to the next one.

Anyway, I got ready as per and drove to work and I just couldn’t concentrate. I was about to find out the result of what I’ve worked my hiney off for for the past three years. Why was it taking so long?

And then it came. It came like an unexpected period.


I had some sort of inkling in my grade, but seeing it right there in black and white just made it real. & I am frickin’ buzzing. It was first on my ’10 Things for 2016’ list and I did it. 

Now it’s time to find a kickass outfit and not do a Lizzie McGuire when I go collect my scroll.

I feel like I’ve rambled in this post. I literally have taken the sentences from my head to my fingers and onto this page. Is that okay? Are you okay with having some ‘put together’ posts and some posts that are literally word vomit? Is two ‘Life Lately’ posts in a row okay? I just feel like stuff happens and I wanna tell you guys straight away. I mean, we're friends, aren't we?

Megan. xo
*Some posts may contain PR/Gifted samples, please read my disclaimer here for further information*

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