16 May 2016

Lifestyle | Four Awesome Ladies with Three Awesome Podcasts

I considered podcasts a thing of the past until they whittled their way back on the cool scene recently, now I’m hooked! I’m checking in with you so you can check out my current favourites…

Ladies Who Lunch | Ingrid Nilsen and Cat Valdes | Ok, I’m cheating on this first one as they are a duo, but hang in with me here. Two beautiful YouTube creators and friends have joined forces to make a super relaxed podcast featuring real-life, real-time topics. Delivered with a witty sense of humour, both ladies discuss relationships, sex, feminism, body image… You name it, they’re chatting about it! When listening to their podcast I feel like I’m there, I’m chilling with them, I’m lunching with them. They create a refreshing discussion on some super important topics and never fail to make me giggle. 

Ctrl Alt Delete | Emma Gannon | Growing up online as a writing enthusiast, Emma seems to have a fabulous story (of which I can’t wait to read about in her book!), but in her podcast, she’s the interviewer, not the interviewee. In Emma’s streams, she meets other creatives and online inspirations to discuss their story of growing up online with social media and how it has affected their lives in the real world. From the YouTube Queen Zoella, who is doing all kinds of fabulous, to Dawn O’Porter who is a kick-ass lady who means business, Emma has amazing guests on her podcast! I get this oozing feeling of warmth when listening, and I just keep coming back for more…

The Becoming Podcast | Laura Jane Williams | I’m going to start by saying that I love Laura. She has a bad-ass attitude and just seems to know what’s it when she tweets I’m just like YAS YAS YAAAAS. But anyway… Laura’s book ‘Becoming’ is coming out next month (so excites), so to co-inside with that she has begun the ‘Becoming’ podcast, speaking to women about their ‘becoming’, whatever it may be. Whether a business-led discussion or chatting away about body-image, the conversation is nothing short of inspiring, yet real – and that’s what I friggin love. They are not trying to pull the wool over your eyes and make it seem like everything’s easy-peasy , life is hard, but the outcomes can be wonderful – and I love hearing Laura’s guest's stories. 

Have you listened to any of these fabulous podcasts? Which podcasts are you loving right now?

Megan. xo
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