25 November 2015

Skincare | The Hormonal Line Up

Hormonal Skincare Products
Nip + Fab Kale Fix Clay Mask
Perricone MD Chia Serum
Girls, we all know it. That time of the month where our hormones go sky high; We could argue with a lamp post and eat our body weight in sugar and boy, does it all play havoc on our skin...

My chin without a doubt loves to give me little red bumps full of surprises when I'm on my period. I know that it's going to happen and I await patiently with my skin care saviours to ensure that it's dealt with quickly. One of my all time favourite spot treatments is Lush's Grease Lightning (£6.50), I've used it for years now and it's always one that I seem to come back to. I'll always apply it right before I go to bed on spots that are both just red blobs, or seem to have broken the skin. It does slightly 'crust' on the skin when it dries, but I have no issue with that whilst I'm sleeping. It reduces the size of any blemishes over night and calms the area down slightly - per-fect.

I'll always have one or two nights during that oh so fantastic week where I'll treat my skin with a face mask and recently I've been going between two. First off is the Nip+Fab Kale Fix Clay Mask (£9.95) which is unlike any other clay mask that I've tried. It doesn't 'dry' on the skin as such, instead it has witch hazel which helps to draw out impurities and has a moisture complex that leaves the skin feeling soft. If I'm not using that mask, my next port of call is the Jurlique Purifying Mask which does exactly what it says on the tube. The only bugger is, I can't find this online ANYWHERE! I don't want to hype it up too much, but it's bloody fantastic. I can only hope that they've slightly reformulated it and changed the name...

Finally, as I've said time and time again on this lil ol' blog, spot scarring for me is my biggest issue. The littlest of spots can leave scars on my face for weeks, so to help combat this I like to use oils as they seem to be the most effective. After my beloved affair with the Trilogy Rosehip Oil, I have since been trying lots of different oils to see if I love any just as much! This Perricone MD Chia Serum (£62) has been doing the job very well, transforming my scars over night and making my skin over all look brighter and more alive.

So there's a little line up of a few products I like to use during my more hormonal time of the month. Let me know down below if your skin changes and if so what products you find work well to get it back to normal. Thank you so much for reading.
Megan. xo
Check out my November advertiser - Studs and Dreams!

*This post contains PR samples.

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