14 October 2015

Skincare | Those Expensive Sunday Riley Oils... Are They Worth It?

In a nutshell. Yes. That's your answer. But I am obviously not going to leave you just at that. Let's talk about those oils that've been on everyone's feeds recently...

I will have to hold both hands up and confess. When I first saw the price of these I was like NO WAY. NO HOW. NADDDAAA. NO. Can a product really be worth that price tag? I'm going to be twice as honest today (lucky you!) and admit that these were sent to me, that I am very grateful for however, as always my opinion will remain honest and 100% my own. It kind of pains me to admit that these are incredible products as I have never promoted a skincare product of this price but I guess, this blog is all about sharing what I love most...

Let's start with the one that I use on a morning, Juno (£70). Despite being absolutely gorgeous to look at with that orange and purple colouring, it leaves my skin looking absolutely gorgeous too. The blend of botanic seed oils and vitamins work together in giving you the most radiance appearance and glow to the skin. It makes me feel unbelievably comfortable without makeup on as it leaves my face feeling healthy, bright and plump. The oil sinks beautifully into the skin whilst absorbing slowly but not making your skin texture oily or uncomfortable. There's nothing worse than a really oily oil now, is there? 

Luna (£85) is probably the most well-known out of the selection of oils. Renowned for it's magic of reducing the appearance of pores, improving all aspects of damaged skin and help fight that unstoppable case of wrinkles we'll all get. I have often spoken about how although I am not hugely prone to breakouts anymore, I suffer badly from scaring when I do occasionally get them. This oil, over the past few weeks and improved the appearance of those scars dramatically, to the point where they are almost gone and changes can be seen overnight. The only thing I can't get to grips with is the smell, although it doesn't put me off using it as it doesn't hang around, it smells a bit, well, fishy.

So there you have it. My little two cents on those really famous oils everyone is loving, and I'm not ashamed to say that I love them too! If you save up for a treat, treat yourself to one of these, or perhaps put one on your Christmas list? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below - I'd love to know what you think about these! 
Megan. xo
Check out my October advertiser - Loveable Vogue!

*This post contains PR samples.

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