22 September 2015

Lifestyle | Let's Talk... Organ Donation

Well. I bet you did not expect to read that post title here now, did you? Sometimes I have to put the lipsticks and shoes aside and get my serious head on and today is one of those days...

I have always made my donation wishes very clear. When my time comes, everything can go. I won't be needing it anymore, so why shouldn't I give the chance to prolong somebody else's life? I totally understand that it is the individual's decision and I am not going to sit here and force you to become an organ donor. All I'm asking is for you to consider it and talk about it. Although I wouldn't exactly say I am a religious person, I know that if such a place like heaven exists, it'll be my soul that goes there, not my lungs and kidneys. 

I remember the first time I came across Stacie, it was my first time at the Cosmo Blog Awards in 2013. After the event I fell in love with her blog (and still love it now) and watched her journey unfold. We connected on Facebook and eventually found out that the next year, we would meet at the Cosmo Blog Awards again and I could not give her a bigger squeeze when me met properly. She is just as sweet in person as she is online. At only age 11, Stacie was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension, meaning that her heart wasn't as efficient when pumping blood around the body & getting oxygen to the muscles. Stacie was put on the transplant waiting list and needed a double heart and lung transplant in order to, well, prolong her life and spent her days being on oxygen support.

Coming towards the end of her three year life expectancy given to her by the doctors, and after three false alarms, one morning in May this year Stacie got the call. A match had been found that enabled Stacie to finally receive her transplant. I remember waking up, logging into Facebook and seeing her status that she was heading to Papworth and BURSTING into tears with joy. I checked back hourly for updates by her sister and was emotionally glued to my phone all day. Months have passed now and Stacie is doing brilliantly, having a rather speedier than normal recovery and no signs of rejection. This has literally changed Stacie's life.

But Stacie is only one of thousands of people that are waiting for transplants. Although death is a vey sad part of our time on this earth, the fact that we can possibly create and extend life from death is amazing. However, we must make our intentions and wishes clear by registering to be an Organ Donor here, and discussing our wishes with our family and friends so that they understand and can communicate them if needed. You can find any further information here also.

Take five minutes out of your day today to read about organ donation, visit Stacie's blog and possibly sign-up to the register. You can change somebody's life. 
Megan. xo
Check out my September advertiser - Pretty and Polished! 

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