29 August 2015

Lifestyle | The Edinburgh Napier Experience - Day 3

Rise & shine, it's our last day in Edinburgh! Nevertheless, like the previous two days, our to-do list was jam packed full of exciting things & exploring more of Edinburgh City...

Todays University Campus was the Sighthill Campus which focal points are on Nursing, Sport and Science. We first had an incredible tour of the medical facilities, which is basically a hospital on campus! They have £45K Sim mannequins which can simulate actual health issues such as cardiac arrests and heart attacks - it is pretty much one step down from 'the real thing'. They have child, baby, neonatal and pregnant sims, they can also imitate an actual birth with the placenta, umbilical cord and all! Amazing! I was wow'ed! After that we then went to the BioScience Labs and followed a procedure to extract DNA from fruit, which was pretty cool & fun to do. We briefly stopped off at Veterinary Nursing to learn how to bandage a dogs leg (or a cats tail!) and then had a tour of the Sporting facilities and took part in some agility tests (see me running like the wind in the photo!).

From the campus, we headed on down the Royal Mile to a very famous and popular attraction in Edinburgh, the Camera Obscura Museum. It is essentially a very tall, old building that is full of optical illusions that are bound to make you squeal with anxiety, or have a fit full of giggles. My favourite part was the walk-through vortex style tunnel (pictures above). Although a perfectly straight path, the spinning lights make you feel like you are tossing and turning everywhere - I was crying laughing! I think this place is perfect for all ages and also has a great gift shop where I decided to pick up every sweet and chocolate necessary!

To finish off the trip in style, we ventured off to The Killer curry restaurant, a family ran business with some of the hottest curries around. I loved on the menu that I spied an Iron-Bruhna Curry - brilliant! They are known for their 'Killer Curry', which is served to it's victim with a background music of the JAWS theme tune and a man wearing a gas mask! I love spice, but not that much so I opted for a Chicken Balti and it was delicious. Although I could of handled a bit more spice, it was still very tasty and bursting with flavours! They also do a chocolate Naan Bread which although we didn't try - sounded very intriguing indeed!

It was then time to say our goodbyes and head off back to Middlesbrough. A huge thank you to Rachel, Michelle, Alan and the Edinburgh Napier team for putting on such a fantastic trio of days - we enjoyed every single minute of it! If you'd like any more information about the University, you can find that here. It really is amazing & has some wonderful facilities!

I hope you've enjoyed this little mini series of my time in Edinburgh, make sure you check out the other bloggers who I went with down below, and let me know what you would like to do if you got the chance to visit Edinburgh! Thanks for reading! 

Check out my August advertiser - Jordan Alice! 

*This trip was paid for by Edinburgh Napier University. All opinions are completely honest & are my own.  

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