16 March 2015

Beauty | Shopping My Stash Week - Base Products

This week I'm shopping my make-up stash from Monday to Friday to see what products come out of the woodworks! Perhaps this will postpone my beauty spending habits for a while, we'll see...

So base products for me are hit and miss. I either fall head over heels for something and repurchase it each time it runs out, kinda love something and keep it for occasional use, or just give it away if it's not for me. Looking through my MUJI drawers, the first product I came across was the Pixi Beauty 'Flawless & Poreless' Primer (review here) which is a product I loved last summer. It's such a light base and adds a subtle glow to the skin before applying any foundation. I'm definitely going to be using this when the weather brightens up as it's such a great base. 

Late last year I managed to get shade matched to the famous NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer (£22) and I used it for a few weeks. Sadly as we delved further into winter I lost the rest of my tan and the shade grew a tad too dark for me. Alas, the sun will be making it's way out soon (I hope, wishful thinking?) so I can bring this back out again as it really is a creamy concealer that's great for my dry skin. Finally, an old foundation favourite in the form of MAC's Studio Sculpt. This was once a staple in my routine but as I am opting for a lighter base more often I have turned to alternatives. However, for days when spots occur and I need something a bit more forgiving, I will definitely be reaching for this again.

What base products are old favourites of yours that you can shop your stash for? I also spied a Rimmel foundation that I feel like I should pick up a new bottle of (product life an' all that). Let me know in the comments below and check back tomorrow for the next instalment! Thanks for reading! 

OTHER POSTS IN THIS SERIES: Eyeshadows - Mascaras - Cheeks - Lips

Check out my March Advertiser - Robowecop!!

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