16 February 2015

Beauty | Brows by Blink

Brows were a total thing in 2014, and I can imagine they'll get even bigger and bushier this year; Long gone are the 90's era of thin brows, it's all about creating hairs that aren't really there...

From this post you can gather my vibe for eyebrow pencils, which is that I am totally not a fan. I have had some horrendous experiences which have left me rather, well, 'brow heavy' and not in a good way. When I received a little package from Blink with some products to test, I thought it may be another chance to give a pencil a go although I did not have high hopes. You may have seen a Blink Brow Bar in one of your local department stores and they don't purely deal with brows only, but also lashes, nails and massages too.

The Brow Definer (£15)* is a very fine nibbed pencil which has a matte finish, adding definition to the brows whilst thickening them too. Sometimes I find pencils harsh, which is why I mainly don't get on too well with them, however the formula of this allows you to blend it so that it doesn't appear so harsh on the skin. Perfect for girls who aren't exactly into that really strong, WOW-brow. I feel like I've finally found a pencil that I feel comfortable using, as this allows me to create a brow so quickly and easily.

I always set my brows in place as they can be so unruly and some long hairs tend to drop down and look really out of place. Blink offer a Tinted Gel (£15)* to help make those brows stay in place whilst adding some more colour. I found that this adds a really subtle yet effective hint of shade but is absolutely brilliant at making your brows stay put. They hardly budge all day and yet don't give that crispy texture that some gels can add to your brows. If I'm ever in a bigger rush and don't have time to do my full routine, I'll just pop this on and run out the door - I can't leave my brows completely bare!

So not only am I converted to pencils, but I have found a new brand for brows too - double yays! I'd love to know in the comments whether you have tried any products from Blink, of have been to any of their brow bars. What products do you like to use for your eyebrows?

Check out my February Advertiser - Beautrina!!

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