28 February 2015

Advertising | Meet My February '15 Advertisers!

Hello! I’m Katrina. I’m from Birmingham and I blog over at www.beautrina.com. I absolutely love fashion and style; I just wish my bank account did too! I put up new posts twice a week on a Monday and Thursday, which can be about pretty much anything, but my main focuses are fashion and beauty. I love writing and shooting fashion posts, I think it’s already clear that they are my favourite. I started my blog back in August 2013 as my own little space on the internet to showcase my personal style and my thoughts on beauty products. Now it has a bigger impact on my life and I am absolutely engrossed in blogging. I couldn’t imagine being without my hobby now – I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Feel free to come and chat anytime, I love speaking to fellow bloggers!
Twitter. Instagram. Bloglovin.
Hello! *waving emoji* I’m Rhianna, I’m a 21 year old Product Design student, life enthusiast and pro tea drinker from ‘oop north in Leeds. I started robowecop.com as a hobby to keep me sane during my final year of University and have since fallen in love with blogging. On my blog you'll find everything from beauty reviews to healthy recipes, mental health posts to life tips and makeup tutorials to personal updates. I don't have a strict posting schedule but tend to post around 4 times a week. I'd love to make some more blogging friends so come on down and let's have a party!
Bloglovin. Twitter. Instagram. Facebook. Pinterest.

I am a 19 year old beauty heavy blogger in the West Midlands. I started my blog six months ago as I realised I had so many gorgeous dresses that I wanted to show off to the world, and since I owned 16 lilac dresses at the time, that's where the website was born. I post 4-5 times per week and have started to move into YouTube. I'm hoping to travel more in 2015 and hope for this to be reflected in my blog. Blogging has become a huge love of mine and an escape from a hard time at university, aka a mid uni crisis! I hope my blog can be an escape for you, as much as it is for me. 
Blog. Instagram.
Hi guys, my name is Chelsea and you can find me over at www.chelskiiiiloves.blogspot.com. I write about a mix of things; beauty, reviews, fashion, outfits of the day, lifestyle and sometimes I take you with me on days out and bombard you with loads of photos. I have been blogging since January 2014 and the more I do it, the more I love it. Here's three things you should know about me; I love Sunday's, I am a big foodie and I am probably the laziest person you will ever meet. Come over and read my latest post :)
Twitter. Instagram.

My other very gorgeous advertisers in February have been Girl Up North and Moments Like This, make sure you go head over and give them a read too! If you'd like to advertise me in any further months, you can find out all information, statistics and prices here.

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