17 October 2014

BLOGGING | 10 Things people don't realise about blogging

1 | It can be a 24/7 job. My mind is forever ticking over, even when I'm not physically sat down blogging.
2 | Taking pretty, cute photos is only the beginning; the hard work comes after.
3 | We don't accept everything we're offered. Although some of us may seem like we get tons of freebies thrown at us all the time, we don't accept everything as a lot of stuff won't 'fit' within our blog genre.
4 | Speaking of freebies, everything isn't handed to us on a plate. It takes a hell of a lot of hard work, dedication, time and determination to get somewhere in this profession.
5 | We aren't just 'bloggers'. We're writers, photographers, social media co-ordinators, editors, personal assistants, sometimes technicians (I wish) and the occasional accountants.
6 | Blogging is definitely not the most glamorous job. Most of my time is spent on my bed in my onesie.
7 | We DO pay for stuff ourselves! PR Samples and Gifts only account for a small amount of products we feature on our blogs, we like to shop as much as the next person (possibly a bit more if I'm honest!).
8 | Yes we have internet friends, and yes, we love them! Sometimes meeting people on the internet is a bit hard to understand for some, but the blogging community are top notch people.
9 | We're not all vain. Yes, we post numerous pictures of our faces or outfits all over our social media, but this certainly doesn't mean we're vain. In fact, you'll find that we have insecurities just as much as the next person.
10 | Blogging can become a full time job with a good income. I know a fair few of people who have worked their way up to this stage, and that's what I would like to do. What's better than doing something you love for a living?

Check out my October Advertiser - Pink Is The New Perfect

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