25 September 2014

Blogging | 10 'Thank You's' of Blogging

Next week, on the 4th October, I will have been writing this little blog of mine for two whole years. To me, that is absolutely crazy and very hard for me to comprehend. Who'd of thought that a little 'I'll give that a go', would turn into this insane experience? It has completely changed my entire world, including my career aspirations for the better, and for that I am so thankful. To celebrate, I decided to reminsice on my blogging experience and dedicate some 'Thank You's' to those that deserve it...

1 | Thank you to my Conscience. Without that little voice inside of my head, Thumbelina Lillie would not exist today. Sometimes delving into new situations can be quite daunting and scary, but you gotta listen to that voice, say 'yes' and just do it anyway.

2 | Thank you to my Family and Friends who have stuck by me no matter what. I could not think of a bigger support system than my family who get involved with and love hearing about what I do. I feel overwhelmed when you say how proud you are and every little thing you've done to help me along this journey has been amazing. As for my friends, I'm sure you know how much your support means to me and how much I appreciate you for it.

3 | Thank you to my Boyfriend, although I know you don't understand my clothes and makeup hoarding, and you hate when I ask if I can test out some eyeshadows on you, I'm so happy that you are there right behind me.

4 | Thank you to the NE Bloggers who are such an amazing bunch. The support they have for each other is insane, whether it's helping another take outfit snaps, or retweeting someone's new blog post. I have made some true friends within the North East, and even though I don't see many of you every week, it's so nice to have cuddles every now and again and chat about make-up and fashion.

5 | Thank you to the Brands and PR companies who have taken a chance on working with me. Some of the opportunities I have been given through my blog still amaze me to this day. I'm forever grateful for your generosity and ability to help my blog grow.

6 | Thank you to Gianni Casagrande. Although we only met one year ago at University, you've helped me achieve so many things in such a short space of time. I would never have plucked up the courage to begin my YouTube channel if you never gave me the kick up the bum I needed and helped me film.

7 | Thank you to Social Media, because, as weird as it sounds it's helped me meet a fair amount of amazing bloggers! I wouldn't of known my left to right with blogging if it wasn't for the Twitter Hashtag Chats and I don't think anyone would really know about my space on the internet if social media didn't exist; I think we need to be thankful for it!

8 | Thank you to my Inspirations who taught me so much from the very beginning. Thank you to Pixiwoo who taught me so many make-up tips and to Caroline Hirons who made me throw away the face wipes and invest in a proper skincare routine! Thank you to the wonderful Zoella and Louise, who inspired me to try out something different and a huge thank you to Gracie (Ugly Face of Beauty)  & Zoe (Zoe London), two girls who I look up to and admire in more ways than one, both as people and as content creators.

9 | Thank you to the whole, entire Blogging Community of whom I've met some of the most amazing people. Some people don't understand the concept of 'internet friends' but the people who I communicate with are absolute gems and there's always someone there for you if you need them. I love that creative bunch.

10 | Finally, thank you to You! Without you frequently reading this little page on the world wide web I wouldn't have been given half the experiences that I have and I love conversing with all of you. Please never be afraid to drop me an email or a tweet, I'd love to chat to you guys more! You have made all this possible, so thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! You literally have changed my life.

Check out my September Advertiser - JordanAlice

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