27 April 2014

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'Life is Worth the Fight' is essentially a blog about me (Stacie). I write 'Life is Worth the Fight' because I want to document my time whilst waiting for a Heart and Double Lung Transplant, and hopefully when I get my transplant too. It demonstrates the up's and the down's of life on the transplant list and how one minute you can be fine to next not at all. I also started writing it not only for my own reflection but in the hope that I could maybe raise awareness for the importance of Organ Donors to others who come across my blog and how merely talking to one's relatives could help change some-ones life for the better, give someone a life they've never had. It is the greatest give someone can give. I also write about things I like and things I do so when I've had a massive shopping spree or been on a day out with friends and family. It is quite simply my little place where I get everything out and share it and experience it with all of you guys :) xoxo Stacie  
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BekyLou is a Fashion and Beauty blog that I write alongside my full time job. I put as much time and energy into it as I can and absolutely love doing it. I write everything from reviews, Outfit of the days, nail of the days and lifestyle posts where I just like to have a chat and give my opinion. Giveaways are also a regular on my blog where you can win anything from the newest product release, some of my favourite goodies and recently there was even a giveaway to win tickets to the Premiere of Divergent in London. I'd love it if you could take a peep and give me a follow!

My 'Three' Stage advertiser this month was also J4mieJohnston so go check her out too! 

If you'd like to advertise with me in May, all information and statistics are here. Thank you for reading and please, check out my advertisers!


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