5 March 2014

Beauty | Shu Uemura Eyelash Curlers

Never in a million years did I imagine myself spending £20 on eyelash curlers. But hey, I guess that's what 'beauty blogging' does to you. Once again, a product that's done its rounds on the blogs and can rightfully hold itself strongly under the 'cult product' category. I'd been eyeing up (no pun intended) the prestigious Shu Uemura Eyelash Curlers for absolutely ages and now I finally have my hands on them.

Being known for the best set o'curlers around, I had mega high hopes for these - I mean, I'd spent twenty English bleedin' pounds on them. They look just like a regular curler apart from the brand engravement but boy, do they make some difference to your lashes. Once you apply the right pressure at the root of your lashes, they assist in creating an insanely good curl. I do three squeezes and hold the last squeeze for a couple more seconds for a bigger impact before applying mascara. I've also been using these on no make-up days too, just to give me a little boost. 

Everything that you've heard about this tool is true and I, hand on my heart, have been converted. I'd love to know if you're a Shu lover? Or maybe you're a bit skeptical about the price tag like I was? Let me know in the comments below, thanks for reading! 

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  1. I've wanted to try these for ages and am finally going to get them if you say they are as good as they are, always trust your reviews! xx

    Adventures of an Anglophile

    1. I'm glad you do hun, they are amazing! xx

  2. I bought these on a trip to America when I was about 15 (after hearing them talk about them in The Devil Wears Prada haha!) so they weren't as pricey thankfully, but they've lasted me all these years and I love them so I'd say they're definitely worth the price tag :)

    Sally Says Beauty xx

    1. I always do a little fistpump when she mentions them on TDWP! They are aren't they?! xxx

  3. They sound amazing! I need to try!

    Emma x

  4. I have wanted to try these for ages but I don't think I can justify spending that much on eyelash curlers.


  5. I've heard so many positive things about these but have always been put off by the price tag lol X


  6. Ive got the mac ones and although they do the job I'm now tempted to give these a go, might have to put these in my to buy list xx

  7. Definitely skeptical of the price tag. I'm not sure how much they cost here in the states but probably around $35 based on that 20 pound mark. I just don't get that it would make THAT much of a difference! Maybe show pictures using a cheaper one and then this one?


    1. They really are worth it! I'll have to do that yes :) xx

  8. I am skeptical about the price tag but really need some that actually work - I got Eyeko ones recently and they're crap to put it politely! xx

  9. I've always wanted these! They're on my wishlist, but I just can't justify spending £20 on eyelash curlers haha. ♥


  10. I love curly lashes so I'm hoping to buy Shu Uemura curlers one day. When my previous eyelash curlers broke, I was very tempted to get these but opted for Tweezerman instead.


  11. ive never tried any eye lash curlers, but always here such great things about these!

    Lauren| thatgirlcalledlauren.blogspot.co.uk

    1. I'd only used cheap ones until now but they make such a difference!

  12. I really want to try these curlers out, I've heard so many good things about them! Perhaps I can justify spending £20 - it's a tool that will last me ages and do good for my lashes, right?! x

  13. They do sounds like miracle workers for the lashes but £20 ouch :/ I'm sure one day I'll bite the bullet & buy them.
    Maybe Its Megan Leigh xx

    1. That's what I was like, I'd been looking at them for ages! xx

  14. I will hold my hands up, i never ever curl my eyelashes. i probably should, but i'm just rather lazy!! because i never do it, i could not spend that much on a curler?! crazy!!

  15. I've been contemplating getting these for a while but the price keeps putting me off...but I think I'll go for it after reading this :)

    Hannah xxx

  16. I find myself 'eyeing' the Shu Uemura eyelash curlers as well for the longest time because I have stubborn Asian lashes (short and invisible = NIGHTMARE) Even with mascara, my lashes are just in a bad state. I have a strong feeling that curling them beforehand will make such a massive difference when it comes to eventually applying the mascara. But the price always left me looking the other way. I'll make it my mission to buy it before the end of the year. The sooner I have it, the better.

    1. Haha oh no! They most probably will, it's worth asking someone at a beauty counter to try out some so you can see the difference! x

  17. I bought the gold ones, but I've not even tried them yet - I'm crazy I know. It is so funny what beauty blogging does to us isn't it?! Only a fellow blogger would understand our craziness xx

    Gemma // missmakeupmagpie.com

  18. I've been lusting over this eyelash curler for ages now! Glad to know it lives up to the hype :) I wonder, does it also come with extra pads? x


  19. I use Tweezerman ones which are amazing...but on their last legs!
    GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH am I gonna do it though Megan? Am I?
    I love curling my eyelashes and seriously it's like life depends on it...

    I think I'm gonna :O

    Holly Mixtures

  20. I've been contemplating to buy these for the longest time but I might just do it because your review has pushed me past the boundaries haha x

    Anita @ ATA|AllThingsAnita


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