15 July 2013

Review | Balance Me's 'Cleanse & Smooth Face Balm'

Cleanse & Smooth Face Balm* - c/o Balance Me // £20

With cleansing balms being all the rage recently and the Emma Hardie Moringa Balm being a bloggers favourite, I was ready to roll when I got the chance to try out this Balance Me product. The Cleanse & Smooth Face Balm* is aimed at dry/sensitive skin to help boost your 'skin's natural radiance'. Packed with a mix of essential anti-oxidants and other goodness to help cleanse and remove make-up and oatmeal to smooth away dead skin cells, this felt like a two-in-one product. Oh, and it's 100% natural!

It was my first time using a balm so I was curious of how it would work and affect my skin. Upon application, the first thing I noticed was the scent, really natural yet quite overwhelming. When I began working the product on to my dry face, I could really feel the oatmeal working it's magic and removing my dead/dry skin; But thankfully, it wasn't harsh at all. After adding water and continuing to massage it in, I experienced something strange - The product melted in to an oil and made my face feel heavenly. I rinsed it off with clean water, patted my face dry and felt fresh as a daisy!

I've used this every three days for a couple of weeks and I've seen a clear improvement in the texture of my skin. This could be a mix of other factors too - but I believe I can give this some of the credit. Due to the oatmeal removing my dry skin, my face has certainly felt smoother. I also love how the product is packaged, as you don't need to dig your fingers into a pot - very hygienic! The only thing that puts me off is the scent, however it's something I can overlook!

What kind of cleansers do you like to use? Have you failed to resist the hype of cleansing balms? Please let me know in the comments below - I love hearing about skincare! Don't forget to vote in the Cosmo Blog Awards - I'm in the 'Best New Beauty Blog' category!

*This product was sent to me free of charge & for my consideration. All opinions are honest & completely my own.
nominate me


  1. oooh this sounds great! i've recently started using the simple clenser.. but i might have to try this soon!

    1. Ooh Simple are such a fab brand! It's such a great product xxx

  2. Ooh this sounds heavenly! I love a good balm cleanser as they make your skin feel so soft & refreshed! I just got the balance me shower gel free in glamour magazine so I'm looking forward to using that!


    1. It is heavenly! I think I'm converted to balm cleansers xxx

  3. This sounds lovely! I love 'balance me' products, so may have to give this a try!

    Love your blog!

    Holly | www.alongcamehollyblog.blogspot.co.uk

    1. This is the first Balance Me product I've tried - but I really wanna try more! Thank you xxx

  4. Definitely tempted to try this out!
    S xx

  5. This sounds really good. I love balm cleansers, especially the Emma Hardie cleansing balm. I really want to try the balance me eye cream which is supposed to be really good.


    1. I really want to try that - however I don't feel like I need to now! Oooh really? I'll have to check that out xxx

  6. I love that it's 100% natural! It sounds really good but I'm so tight when it comes to beauty products, I'd rather spend my money on clothes ha ha. I need to change my ways and invest so I can have nicer skin. I'll definitely think about Balance Me! <3

    Tara xo

    1. Me too - Oh I go through phases, one minute it's clothes, the next it's beauty products! xxx

  7. I have always wanted to try one of their product :)

  8. I have only used the RMK cleansing balm and I just couldn't get on with it! This does sound nice though. I use the Superdrug version of Liz Earles Cleanse and Polish and it's brilliant :) xx

    Abby | Beauty and a Blogger

    1. Oooh really? Aw it's such a shame you couldn't get on with it! xxx

  9. Cleansing balms are great aren't they! I've not tried the one from Balance Me but it's on my list of things to try :)

    Ria x
    NatuRia Beauty

  10. Thanks for the tip off Meg, i'm always on the hunt for a Emma Hardie dupe as I cant justif spending £35 + on a cleansing balm at the moment.
    Maybe Its Megan Leigh xx

  11. nice product <3 your blog is very lovely and interesting. im glad if you visit my blog, too <3 keep in touch!


  12. Thanks for recommending :) I'm always looking for new products to try out so I love hearing about new (or at least new to me) stuff!


  13. I'm really curious about face balms, too!

    xo runbarbierun.com

  14. I really need to try a cleansing balm! Love that this is 100% natural too!x


    1. It's totally converted me - me too! xxx

  15. I'm using a moisturizing cleanser by Pond's right now and I love it- it's so gentle I can take off eye makeup but really effective too!

    Jordan | Boho Vanity

    1. Oooh cool! Thanks for the recommendations xxx

  16. I'm not keen on overwhelming scents but this is really popular and it seems so nice xx

    1. Me either but I can overlook it for this! xxx

  17. This looks really great, and sounds like it did wonders for your skin.. I'm just not a fan of BalanceMe products as their scents are way too overpowering :( xx

    Gemma | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. Thank you! D'awh really, I can see where your coming from! xxx

  18. This sounds amazing..very skin friendly. Love your reviews..you make me want to buy everything!

    1. Haha thank you! I supposed that's a good thing xxx

  19. ohh i've been considering getting this and i think you may have just persuaded me!

    High Society

  20. Iv resisted the urge for cleansing balms! Im dying to try a moisture mask though. I tend to cleanse my face with a simple cleansing gel :)

    from Brigitte at // BreezeyBee Blog | BlogLovin'

    1. Ooooh a moisture mask sounds like something I need haha! xxx


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