6 December 2012

A Christmas Tag!

Boston Terrier Puppy
Hey everyone. I'm so sorry I haven't posted in the past week, I got a new puppy on Monday and he has just taken up all my time due to his mega cute-ness! I already have an 18 month year old black Pug called Oscar Neville, but this is the latest addition to my family! Introducing, Dudley Edgar, the 8 week year old Boston Terrier! *Cue the aww's*. Anyway, as it snowed here yesterday, it's finally starting to feel like Christmas, so I thought I'd celebrate by doing my first tag, a Christmas Tag! I pinched this from the lovely Eleanor from eleanorcos so head on over & read her answers after reading mine! Here goes...

1. When do you start getting excited about Christmas?
Probably around the middle of November, when it starts getting extra cold!

2.What's your favourite Christmas colour?
Definitely red, it is THE Christmas colour if you ask me.

3.What's your favourite Christmas movie?
The Grinch without a doubt... 'Hate hate hate... double hate... LOATHE ENTIRELY!'

4. Do you have any Christmas traditions?
When we were little me and my 2 siblings would sit on the top step of our stairs whilst my Dad went downstairs into the front room to check if 'Santa had been'. He'll still do it sometimes for old times sake even though we're 16, 19 and 24!

5. Which are your favourite Christmas songs?
All the golden oldies! But especially The Pogues' brilliant tune, 'Fairytale of New York'.

6. Do you like to stay in your PJ's or get dressed up for Christmas?
Dressed up! However, seems as though we had Christmas at ours last year I stayed in my Christmas onesie! They're just too cosy okay...

7. If you could only buy one person a Christmas present this year, who would it be?
Can I say a joint present for my parents? I couldn't buy one and not the other!

8. What do you like to do on your Winter/Christmas break?
What break?! I work in Next so we work Christmas Eve AND Boxing Day... boo.

9. Favourite Christmas smell?
Ohhh, erm, I'd probably have to stay Christmas Dinner in general. Best smell ever!

10. What's your favourite make-up look for the Festive season?
Even though I wear red lipstick all year round, it definitely fits in with Christmas!

11. Giving presents or receiving presents?
Obviously receiving something you love is great, BUT... There's no better feeling that seeing someone open and love a present you bought for them!

12. Handmade Christmas cards or bought?
I literally have zero time to sit and make a heap of handmade ones, so I'm gonna have to say bought.

13. What's your favourite Christmas food?
Is this serious? PIGS IN BLANKETS! If you don't know what they are they're sausages wrapped and cooked in bacon, oh ma gawd.

I hope you enjoyed reading my Christmas Tag! I tag... all of you! I'd love to read all of your answers to these questions. Are any of my answers the same as yours? Let me know!

Megan. xo


  1. Literally adorable. I want a puppy so much and it would definitely distract me from blogging too xx


    1. He's too cute isn't he?! Oh yes, I have not wanted to let him go! xxx

  2. OMG! If I had a puppy that cute, I don't think I would do anything but stare at him all day.

    Love <3


  3. Your puppy is gorgeous...I'd love to steal him :)


  4. Awww, your puppy it's so lovely!


  5. aawwww so glad you did these questions!!! woooo! and your puppy is the cutest thing ever! i love him! <3
    and the grinch is amazing - definitely need to watch that soon!!! :)

    1. Haha thanks babes! Same, I can't believe I haven't watched it yet! Xxx

  6. I love this post.You are a great blogger,with huge potential. Do you have facebook fan page?
    If you have time,come to see my blog,I think you will like it,maybe we can follow each other? Let me know :)


    1. Thank you, I don't I'm afraid! I'll check you out for sure. Xx

  7. I might do this tag later, it's not like I have anything important to do like sleep haha. But ohhh my gosh you have the cutest puppy with the cutest name! LOVE puppies and kittens I so desperately want one :( I like your blog by the way! :) xx


    1. Haha that was my thought! Thank you! I've followed you back! xx

  8. Gorgeous puppy *Overload of cuteness*


  9. He is adorable!!
    I keep revisiting your blog just to look at him.
    Your Chriatmas sounds lovely, have a fab holiday xx

    1. He's a cutie isn't he! Aw thank you! You too lovely xxx


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