1 March 2016

NE Blogger Spotlight #3 | Amy from The Girl in the Bowler Hat

Amy from The Girl in the Bowler Hat
There is nothing like shining the light on other bloggers and as a huge advocate of the North East, here's the latest babe to feature in this series, The Girl in the Bowler Hat...

1) How long have you been blogging for & how did you come across the whole blogger-sphere?
Well I've had my blog, The Girl In The Bowler Hat, for just over 3 years now, but I actually had a few blogs beforehand which I ended up deleting. The time has completely flown by! I'm not really sure where I found out about blogging, I've always been completely obsessed with fashion and the idea of having my own little space on the internet (I was that person who would spend hours every day working on my Piczo sites) and one day I came across WishWishWish blog and fell in love with the whole blogosphere. I never thought it would grow into what it is now, and I love the idea of it now being a career for many people.

2) Who are your main inspirations when it comes to blogging? Share your favourites!
- Apart from WishWishWish (of course), there's absolutely loads! Of course there's my favourite NE Bloggers, whom many I'd now call my closest friends, such as the lovely Helen, who has helped me turn my blog into the place it is now and always inspires me with her hard work ethics. Then there's Alice, Chloe, Amy and Lucy too, who I always love seeing at local events - they're some of the most wonderful people you could ever meet (but then again, the whole NE blogger community in general is!). In terms of total blog goals, it has to be What Olivia Did, whose blog I must visit every day - if I ever get my blog to look half as good as Olivia's, then I'll be one very happy girl. PLUS I JUST NEED HER ENTIRE WARDROBE, PLEASE.

Oh and you, of course. It's been SO lovely watching your blog grow into the massive success it is now ever since meeting you a few years ago as a total newbie, you're doing us NE Bloggers proud!

3) What genre do you love writing about most and why?
As much as I love writing my beauty and lifestyle posts, my favourite type of post will always be my fashion posts. I'm currently on a leave of absence from University due to health reasons, but as of September I'll hopefully be returning to University to finish my third (and final) year studying Fashion Journalism. It sounds like such a cliche, but fashion has always been my 'thing' and what people have known me for, it's all I ever think about!

4) If you could showcase only one of your posts to somebody, one that you are particularly proud of, which would it be and why?
Ooh good question! My outfit posts are always my favourite posts, I love how this recent collaboration with Access All ASOS blog post turned out so maybe that one. I'm generally really happy with 99% of my posts though as I'd never post something I'd not want to tell anyone about!

5) What have been some of the highlights of your blogging experience so far?
Where do I start?! Apart from meeting the most incredible people and working with some of my favourite brands such as ASOS, Cambridge Satchel Co and Daniel Wellington, it has to be the events. In January I was incredibly lucky to be invited down to York to attend a talk at York University with Anna Wintour as the guest speaker. As someone who has read fashion magazines since I was little, Anna Wintour has always been a total idol of mine and I could've cried when the email popped up in my inbox! It was certainly a night I'll never forget, being at a champagne reception with all the top journalists and Anna Wintour walking around speaking to everyone, and then being escorted to the front row in a 1,000 capacity sold out venue for the talk and catwalk show! It was definitely one of those pinch me moments. 

Another blogging highlight has to be getting shortlisted for an award in the NE Blogger Awards last year too amongst so many amazing blogs. And although I didn't win, it was amazing to be in a shortlist of only 3 blogs for my category!

And of course, the opportunities I've got because of my blog. I completed some work experience with the team at Intu Metrocentre last year which I loved and I'm now actually their official blogger for their style blog which is super exciting! Working in the core team for NE1 Fashion Future (which was a day of talks with guests such as Henry Holland and Alexandra Shulman at the Baltic) was an amazing experience too, and it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for my blog!

6) What's next for The Girl in the Bowler Hat? Where do you see your blog going?
This year I'm really hoping to continue with the outfit posts, hopefully with at least one a week as they're always my favourite to put together, it would be amazing to work with more fashion brands. I'm also trying to improve my photography this year, I love the visual side of blogging and although the camera I use is 10 years old and currently sellotaped together (not even joking), nothing makes me happier when people compliment my photos so I'd love to hopefully upgrade my camera at some point this year!

Since I'm actually off University currently due to struggles with mental health, this year I'm really focussing on getting myself better and blogging is really helping me do so! I've been putting a lot more time and energy into my blog this year so far and I'm super happy with how it's turning out. I have some very exciting collaborations in the pipeline!

And I'd love to meet as many bloggers as I possibly can, it would be great to travel down to London and spend some time there.

7) Now I love your style, so let us know your three favourite places to shop...
Well I shop just about everywhere so this is super tricky! I think my favourite places at the moment have to be; Topshop, Primark and M&S right now. No-one ever talks about M&S but trust me, their clothing ranges are amazing!

Megan. xo
Check out my March advertiser - Joma Designer Vintage!

*Some posts may contain PR/Gifted samples, please read my disclaimer here for further information*

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