29 April 2015

Advertising | Meet My April '15 Advertisers!

Hi there! I’m Rebeca, a 21 year old blogger from the North East. I’m still pretty new to the blogging world, having just been on my first few blogger events! I started blogging to keep me from going crazy on my days off from work, and while I ponder on what Uni course I’m going to settle on. I've always loved reading blogs, seeing what peoples opinions are on products especially good honest reviews. My little ‘ol blog focuses mainly on beauty related bits and bobs, featuring the odd outfit post and a hell of a lot of strategically placed pretty things i've bought because I NEED it to feature (obviously) I use my blog as basically a scrapbook for myself, helping me keep track of the products I love - which turns into more of a huge wish list. My blog is still a baby, and any comments you leave I love to read! 
Hello, my name is Siobhan and I run the blog The Beauty Baker which is basically a everything blog where I write about whatever my heart contents whether it's fashion, beauty, recipes or lifestyle! I live in a little country village in Lincolnshire after moving from the Valleys in South Wales when I was 17 and ever since then I've just loved exploring places on my own and finding new things such as a new beauty brand I've never heard of or just a pretty town or recipe. My blog is somewhere I just ramble and you'll find that not all of my posts stick to one topic and they usually have my humour coming through, I'm partial to occasionally swearing in a post but then I go on about how it looks like 'unicorn sick.'
Blog. Twitter. Instagram.
Hi there guys! I'm Anastasia and I blog over at Dainty Desires, a UK based blog that loves a bit of everything. Firstly, I just want to say a big thank you to Megan for letting me sit on her sidebar this month! Now onto my blog; Dainty Desires was born in 2012 when I was right in the middle of university and I wanted to blog about books and beauty. Well, I still do blog about books and beauty but my niche has now expanded to lifestyle, travel and fashion as well. If you fancy a read that incorporates a bit of everything, click on over and say hi! 
Blog. Twitter. Bloglovin. Instagram.

My other very gorgeous advertiser in April has been Erica Rosa, make sure you go head over and give them a read too! If you'd like to advertise me in any further months, you can find out all information, statistics and prices here.

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